


6 years, 6 months ago


Cillin is a leader of a gang of mercenaries and a master of manipulation. Her real personality is hard to pinpoint, as she is always changing her behaviour, depending on scenario and the person she's talking to (whatever is needed to wrap you around her finger!) A common trick is for her to act as a cute waif who needs taking care of and it's what most people think her "true" personality is. Another usual act for her is to charm and flirt with others. She'll drop the act as soon as she's ready to betray someone.

She loves being in control of everything- people, home decorations, finances. She does most of the behind-the-scenes work of the gang. Likes to plan things down to the smallest detail. Can be very passive aggressive, when her gang members displease her. It's her life's goal to rise above the rest of the mercenary groups of her city and eventually, spread her influence further and further.

Misc things:

-Cillin cannot really be said to like people- to her, there are a few types of people. People who are useful; people who are not and people who are entertainment.

- She enjoys strategic games like chess and such.

- Is apt to turn aggressive when she loses control.

- She's aware that one of her gang members is deeply infatuated with her- she's amused by this and likes to play up to it.