


2 years, 1 month ago



Name Dusktravel
Designer Sixbane
Gender Male
ObtainedSelf created
Significant Other None
Rules None
Species Cat



  • He has long fur, like his father.

Dusktravel grew up on stories of his father's, terrified of the thoughts of such awful leaders happening again, or the threats of other clans. He took all the horror stories to heart, and grew up an antsy, paranoid kit who is overly cautious and rarely takes chances. Planning is the name of his game, and he never goes into a situation without clear instructions..and backup instructions..and emergency maneuvers- just in case.

His over-caution often drives the rest of his clan mad but he does generally have good intentions as he nags the rest of the clan in how to be safe. He is generally viewed as the annoying whiner of the group though the clan truly wouldn't have him any other way due to the fact that his careful behavior has saved them from incidents once or twice in the past and they've come to tolerate it because to some degree its got its benefits to have such a conscientious cat among them.

Dusktravel is especially the worst about this when it comes to his parents. Now that they are getting on it years, he feels the need to constantly try to over-cater to them and make sure they're okay. Bringing his father fresh-kill despite the fact he's capable of taking care of himself... checking in on his mother at least three or four times an hour. While they've gotten used to it and Slightwind gets a good humor from it, Murkstar amuses himself with poking fun at him a little or pretending to be in danger just to drive his son mad, which Dusktravel promptly gets all fussed up over, as expected.

He's extremely nonambitious, and never really had any interest in being a leader or deputy or anything of that nature. He's far too paranoia-driven for that and doesn't feel capable of making such descisions. As a warrior, he's a skilled hunter because of his patience and high levels of observance. He doesn't do very well on patrols though because he tends to sideline the group by wanting to nitpick every little tree and bush for any signs of danger. They try to keep him away from those for their own sanity's sake.

He's become something of a laughingstock among the other clans, and at gatherings they often tease the warrior who's "afraid of his own paws".


  • He isn't interested in romantic relationships and doesn't really connect much to many other cats as friends. It's not that he isn't polite or friendly towards them- but he is very self contained and doesn't really like expressing his thoughts, it makes him hard to get to know beyond his worrying.

Dusktravel is a warrior of Silentclan, and the son of Slightwind and Murkstar. He is the brother of Breezewind.

As a kit, they had a third sibling- that died of illness early on. Dusktravel does not remember this explicitly, but it has unconsciously helped to provide his anxiety.

Nowadays, he hassles his aging parents to take care of themselves most of his time, when not hunting.


  • Calm and quiet
  • Reliability and routine
  • Keeping to himself
  • The moon

  • Stress or fear
  • Darkness
  • Patrolling (it makes him nervous)
  • His parents pushing themselves too hard.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.