


6 years, 5 months ago


Aerona is a deeply resentful lady who belongs to a group of the queen's servants known as "Grey Girls." It's her job to act as a sort of living decoration and in rare cases, a body guard. Usually her duties involve holding eleborate and delicate poses for extended periods of time or training to fight, always with the other Grey Girls. A lot of these poses resemble ballet stances etc. The tutors who teach her and her fellow Greys are strict and punishments for falling behind are strict.

 A less frequently performed duty is standing in as a double for the queen- all the Greys are lookalikes to the queen. It's an exhausting life and one she dislikes, as she was forced into it. She also hates being confused for other Greys; something that happens all the time, since they're all lookalikes. Each lady has subtle differences, of course, but most of the guards and other servants don't often bother to differentiate between each one.

Personality-wise, she is emotionally dettached. She is not permitted to be openly rude or agressive to others, but she is emotionally cold. She speaks in as few sentances as possible and will stare at people in the most deadpan way she can. She is coldly elegant and not interested in interacting with others, unless she absolutely has to. The people closest to her  She longs to escape her duties and is often plotting escape routes- none seem to be feasible methods of escape yet, however. 

She only shows passion when she needs to fight- pity the theif who came for the royal silver, only to find her instead. Her violence is matched only by a blazing anger.

Misc Things:

- 24 years old

- Of all her duties, Aerona enjoys fighting based training most.

- Her two main hobbies are flower arranging and playing the flute. She is not good with her instrument, but that's okay by her.