



Full NameGrier (means watching)
SpeciesFerret Insectoid (Deity)
OccupationDeity of Witness (Perception)
AlignmentTrue Neutral

> Biography

Grier is the deity of witness (perception), the story-keeper of old. They can see anything, always, through any creature's eyes, as shown by one pupil of the creature turning into an X. They see everything through every view possible, and are the embodiment of the attribute itself. Their left antler was broken by Dusk Dawn after they insulted them for their close-mindlessness and inability to see past himself. Since then, they choose their words carefully around deitial beings. The purple orb on their tail changes to orange when someone is nearby, warning him of their approach. It also is his source of magic projecture. His tail is bandaged because he accidentally scarred himself while biting his tail while in a fit of extreme pain and delirium. His domain is the Ganijar Hollow, an underground rest hollow that has a tunnel at the end of it that spans a default 10,000 kilometers deep and long, leading to their hive-like home. They sometimes send small insects to deliver messages to those above that manage the rest-stop, and they can alter the size of the tunnel to suit their needs.

> Personality

Grier doesn't have a gender because they prefer not to have a gender bias and with how many different eyes they see through they do not think of themselves as one person but a collection of events that led to their being. They have little to no sense of self-identity due to never seeing the world truly through their own eyes and they struggle with understanding one-sided views and making their own opinions/deciding what they want as an individual. Grier has trouble with migraines and hates it when people try to lie to them as they already have trust issues and lying to them makes them want to end you. They are used to observing the world and when faced with actually being present within the world they get unsettled. They purposefully have suppressed their emotions and appear apathetic so that feelings of anger or pain don't overwhelm them. They prefer to speak through other methods then directly and are slightly paranoid due to constantly seeing through all views and therefore overthinking situations and how someone could think about them.


  • Honesty
  • Insects
  • Honey
  • Cinnamon


  • Lies
  • Cruelty
  • Peppers
  • Stinkweed


  • Grier used to be Dusk Dawn's advisor.
  • Grier was friends with Kureven during his time as an advisor.
  • He left his position after his antler was broken.


  • Song / Artist
  • Song / Artist
  • Song / Artist


Dusk Dawn


Grier absolutely fears and despises Dusk Dawn for his pride and his close-minded views. He avoids him like he's poison and stopped being friends with Kureven because they were related.


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