


2 years, 1 month ago



(sneezes really loud)

Gender Man
Pronouns he/him
Age 48
DoB June 28
Sign Cancer
S.O. Gay
Height 6'10 (208 cm)
Race Werewolf
Occupation Musician
Hometown Um...a forest?
Ha...wouldn't it be funny if that song was dedicated to me?
...Hey. You can laugh a little, you know.
Well...what if that song on the radio WAS for you?
Extroverted Introverted
Instinctive Calculated
Polite Sassy
Deceptive Sincere
Indifferent Emotional
Reserved Affectionate
Lone wolf Team player
Arcana The Moon
Archetype x
Leading trait Compassion
Biggest flaw Emotionally closed-off

Design notes

  • His right eye is allllllways covered unless some force moves his bangs like a hand or wind or whatever. His bangs don't defy physics or anything.
  • The hair on his chest doesn't grow over his scars.
  • Speaking of scars, you don't have to get all of them exactly right, just as long as they look similar.
  • The lines on the sides of his face is facial hair.....jsyk.....
  • He cuts his hair shorter in the 80s. SAD well there's other hair

After nearly a decade of avoiding the public eye, Fenrir has suddenly made his comeback into the music scene! It seems that he has evolved from rock n' roll to heavy metal, with a new look to boot. Nobody knows why he's decided to come back, but Fenrir does. Wanting to support his daughter, he turned to the only thing he knew how to do best (or rather, the only thing he knew how to do Period); becoming a musician. Though he has a rocky history, thanks to Citlali's help it seems that he's garnered enough fans to live comfortably. Of course, some of those fans have carried over from before, so maybe people don't resent him as much as he thinks.

BIO WRITTEN BY MY WIFE: fenrir is a purpleish blue werewolf and former rockstar. he gets into crazy yaoi adventuresnand has a baby daughter named hatiwho we all love so much yayyy

What's with the hiatus?

Back in the 60s, Fenrir was part of a rock band; their name isn't important, but their popularity was. As a result, the bandmates would always put on airs as they relished in the attention. Especially Fenrir. The band would frequent bars and mingle with their groupies after shows, and Fenrir was known to sleep with them the most. This would eventually bite him in the ass when a particularly fanatical groupie would proposition him for sex, but they weren't Fenrir's type, so he declined. This enraged them, and after demanding why he would sleep with everyone else but not them, they viciously attacked him. Of course, with plenty of other people around and the fact that he was a werewolf, the perpetrator was eventually taken away, but the damange had already been done, in more way than one. Not only had Fenrir lost an eye, but he now had some nasty cuts on his chest. Worst yet is that his bandmates, the ones he might have called friends, did nothing to help him. In fact, they thought he deserved it for sleeping around so much, so of course they'd get mad if he fucked everyone except them.

With that, he immediately quit the band and never spoke to them again. Who were they to tell him how to live, and what kind of nerve did they have blaming him if they did the same thing? He would keep to himself for a long time and avoid being around people for longer than necessary. This went on for years, with not even an acquaintance under his belt, until...

...Hati changed everything.

(Subject to change lmao but this is sort of the gist of it) One night Fenrir found Hati abandoned near an alleyway on his way home. She was just a baby, which was very odd since wolves tend to value their family too much to simply leave one of their own. Not wanting to talk to the police, but also not wanting to leave a literal infant to fend for herself, he tentatively took in the child while he looked out for anyone who had lost her. He put out a small ad with contact information in case her family was actively looking for her, and eventually it was answered. However, when the man who answered showed up to take Hati, Fenrir didn't trust him at all, and not just because he had trust issues. For one, he wasn't even a wolf, and had a dangerous aura about him. Instinctively, he refused to give Hati over. Upon his refusal, the man attempted to wrench the child away, and in trying to prevent her head from cracking her head on the pavement after Fenrir dropped her, he found that a sharp pain was blooming throughout his abdomen. The man had taken advantage of his guard being down to stab him with a dagger made of pure silver; if the dagger stayed in any longer, Fenrir would die. So, of course, using as much strength as he could muster, he tore the other man's throat out. (Fenrir kill count ayyy)

After disposing of the man (;D), he noticed that Hati was nowhere to be found. Running inside, he found her curled up in a corner, trembling. Connecting the dots, he had a feeling that Hati's parents would not be coming back for her. But even so, he refused to hand her over to anyone else; what if they tried some funny business, too? That would mean that he would have to take care of her...but he was not fit to be a father. He didn't know the first thing about childcare, and he wasn't exactly the best older brother in the world. In fact, he hasn't written to his family in quite a while... But the child needed someone to look after her, at least for now.

And so, he resolved to shape up for the sake of someone who needed him.

  • Metal music
  • Leather
  • His daughter :)
  • Alternative fashion
  • Loneliness
  • Unwanted attention
  • Conformity
  • Grapes.
  • Playing guitar
  • Singing because he feels like it
  • Writing music and lyrics
  • Putting outfits together
