Orbid (Human Form)



2 years, 30 days ago


The Mayor of Steamia

Name Orbid

Age/Height "older than earth" y.o. / 2.12m

Gender Female (She/Her)

Orientation Pansexual (Only Steampunk People)

Species & Hierachy Goddess/ Steampunk Human (Steamian) - Any

Occupation Mayor of the Steampunk Island "Steamia"

Place Steamia

Personality Caring about her People, Fangirly, happy, strict

Theme idk qvq




all that stuff yknow

creating her own universe and Story

Everything that interrupts her story or wasnt planned

Tourists of Steamia not dressing up in Steampunk (she kicks them out)

When the program of her robots break

Seeing her babies hurt :(

Story & Trivia

Orbid is one of the gods, a virtuoso and visionary of her own story. She is absolutely obsessed with mechanics and technology and so build up her little world of robots.
Every Robot is a part of her story and has a scripted program to follow. If that certain robot would break its program and develop an own consciousness they would become useless for Orbid. It would be for her like as she would write a story but her characters would suddenly live on their own and ruin the planned story.

In the past the robot island Meteoria and and the Steampunk Island Steamia were one Island. An Island were Orbid let her Machinas roam freely, it was a place where she let all her creativity free. One day, some humans that Faye and Saol created visited the Robot Island and started to peacefully befriend with the robots and life a daily life with them; and so a new colonization of humans have seen the light- The first so called Steamians that lived with robots in harmony.

Orbid was amazed by those Humans, they treated her creations with kindness, so Orbid wanted to give the same kindness to the humans back by taking care of them and protecting them from all possible threads. So she asked Faye and Saol for permission to claim them as her own. Faye was absolutely fine with it but Saol started a huge drama about it. The humans were his toys to play with and nobody elses-
But guess who didnt care. Orbid.
She thanked Faye for the allowance and completely ignored Saols dramaqueenness which was a literal war declaration for Saol- he swore he would make the Steamians suffer even more than others but Orbid swore herself that she would protect them at all cost and thus left.

To protect everyone she created Interitus, a giant killing machine made out of material from various planets and space, a seemingly indestructable giant flying robot that would fly around the Island and keep an eye out on everything that happens. Interitus was the creation that made her the most prideful- but in the end... the robot was a way too crazy and massive creation even for Orbid.
One day Interitus suffered from an error and started attacking everything possible, the whole Island started to burn, a lot of people lost their lives, some got evacuated by Orbid who took responsibility for the problem.
Her robot that managed to split the Island into two Islands, nowadays knows as Steamia and Meteoria had to be stopped be its creator in a long lasting battle.

After this day, Robots and humans lived separated, but the people on Steamia kept the mechanical lifestyle that they were used to and so a Steampunk Island was created over the years. Orbid was very proud of her humans that they still sticked to the Aesthetic and managed to become mayor of Steamia to continue watching over her beloved "babies".

On the other hand she tried building up a new kind of robot species that would be less destructive and more "smart" - the Aeons. Xerox was her first prototype and he seemed to work just as she wanted to and made him her right hand to work with and build up a huge futuristic city next to wasteland

Saol on the other side started making fun if Orbid and her self-destruction plan and spread the word to his humans that Steamians are just freaks and shouldn't be visited at all and if yes it would be totally okay to treat them disrespectful and to harass them for sticking to a life style that could have killed everyone on the planet and thus a time of discriminating Steamians happend.

In the modern days of GSO, people have gotten over the past and see Steamia more of an interesting place to spend their vacation in. Some people still see them as freaks but that has become way less.

Orbid is still the Mayor of the city and cares about her people and one day got the information that people from the GSO Organisation have stolen one of her Machinas and brought it to the Human Island. Enraged, she was ready to do some drama with the GSO but at the same day, that Machina escaped. Orbid wanted to go look for that Machina immediately and bring it back home- she was afraid what kind of pain someone could do to her dear-

She found the little Robot called Rive exhausted in a Trash dump but suddenly someone else was coming and she quickly disappeared into the background.
A Steamian Father called Vektor visited the Trash Place regularly to find parts that he could use for his mechanic work and found the little robot- Vektor didn't wanted to Robot to stay there and took him with himself to repair him.
Seeing this made Orbid quite nostalgic, it made her remember the old times were humans and Robots lived peacefully together, a time she wishes to gain back.
She followed Vektor a little around to make sure he won't hurt Rive- but after seeing that he was about to add Rive to the family made her so happy that Vektor gained some Extra-protection rights + sympathy points from her.

Days have passed and a certain bad aura got over her...she followed that bad aura and found herself Infront of Vektors house again only to see Rive completely destroyed on the floor and Matrice being completely possessed and overwhelmed my Saol.
Orbid glanced deadly at the two as Saol just giggled dirty and disappeared into the Shadow together with Matrice, leaving Orbid alone with the single parts of her beloved robot.
She took the parts that she could find and teleported herself onto Meteoria where she would later repair the robot.

After some more years the bad aura became so strong again. Utterly pissed she swore herself to kick Saols ass into hell itself and moved on to the place, only to find a broken Vektor kneeling on the floor and his daughter hugging him. Both of them got attacked by Matrice multiple times again, one time he kidnapped Sil and now he wanted to take Aether away. They were both shivering scared on the ground- they lost their homes multiple times and never had a save place to be since Matrice always seemed to find them.

Orbid pitied them so much and offered them to live onto the Robot Island from now on which they agreed to even tho they were pretty surprised that the Mayor would pop up out of all moments while also knowing where the super secret robot island is- but Vektor nor Aether asked any questions and just followed her onto a boat that lead them directly to the Island of Robots Meteoria.

On Meteoria Orbid lead them through the wastelands, explaining that they could live in the Modern City together with the Aeons. But the nearer they got, the more guilty Orbid started to feel. She noticed that her assistant Xerox was right about to capture the Humans. Since Xerox was programmed to be like that she just became silent and let things happen since this was her visionary Story.
Xeroxs trap were a bunch of wild Machinas roaming at them aggressively, Orbid had to run away while Vektor tried to run with Aether after her but he got circled by those Machines and had to watch how his last strand of hope, his daughter got taken away infront of his eyes by Xerox. Struggling, he tried his best to get her back bit failed, the lasers and claws of the machinas were too much for him-
They targeted him so badly that he had to hide inside the water near a cliff, holding his breath for so long that he nearly drowned during the process.

In this part of "Orbids Story" Vektor would have been destined to die but she felt too bad killing him and thus saved him, bringing him back into his apartment and lying his passed out body down onto the bad, leaving him behind, hoping him to think that everything was just an awful dream.

Her days as Mayor continued until she heard the news that two Killers were roaming around freely, nobody appearantly was able to stop them so Orbid took things into her own hands and decided care about the case herself- but once she found out it was Matrice and Vektor hunting for each other while killing victims that fit their scheme. She felt...guilty for Vektor. She felt like she fucked up one of her favorite "babies" because of her mistake and continued to protect him by exposing him as "Velios" to the media while Matrice got exposed under his real name and that especially people with the Alpha Hierachy should be especially careful since Matrice mainly kills those.

Around 10 years have passed and the new cases about Velios have gotten completely silent since a long time. Orbid had hope that Vektor would have find something new to hold on to. She still held an eye out onto Matrice and tries hindering him and Saol as much as possible.

Nowadays tho she got back to her normal Mayor live and usually walks around, checks on people and companies, goes to the beach or does other various activities.

As Primary she watches how Xerox researches about Humans and Aether so Orbid could find a perfect moment to attack Saols Species so she could let the world drown into an Industrial world with Steampunk Aesthetic.

-calls nearly all Steamians her babies and is overly huggable with them
-she mostly refuses to intervene in the doings of her robots and anything that happens on Metoria since she scripted them like they are (unless their program broke. Then they get exchanged) for her "story" while with the Steamians she sees them more as lighthearted Slice of Life Secondary Characters and just wants to love them.
-alias she just intervenes in very serious moments
-chills in her Human form in Steamia while she is being in her Primary form at Meteoria

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