


2 years, 1 day ago


My player character Marchen, for the tabletop rpg available for playtesting (for free) ICON, by massif press, the same people who brought you lancer. Marchen was born into a churner camp and coming from that culture, is fascinated by ruins with their dangers and mysteries but most important of all their treasure. Come their adulthood, even with the churners being a nomadic people, Marchen is a drifter among drifters, travelling often and never staying anywhere too long and they're quick to get bored by stale scenery (nevermind the fact that it's easy for t̶h̶i̶e̶v̶e̶s̶ those with a mischievous streak to overstay their welcome.) While he prefers to sneak his way through trouble Marchen is no stranger to violence nor does he even necessarily dislike getting into scraps, a story told through his multitude of scars and torn right ear. One might be surprised to find that he's actually quite sensitive regarding his eyes, being told they make him look "cute" or "baby faced" he's taken to hiding them behind a mask.

Age: 22

Job: Fool

Height: 179 cm/5'9