


2 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info



Demon Name





May 10th




Demon (Formerly Human) Created by Kirai-Phantom



The current owner of “I piatti dell'inferno”, Hell’s 1# maid cafe. Lucia is both a fanatic with her business and maids, to the point where she tends to greatly scare away other demons with her slightly unnerving personality (even when she doesn't realized that herself). One of the reasons why when customers do order her from restaurant, they prefer a order to go instead.

Despite that, her restaurant is still doing well, but tends to be a little slow on most days. During those times, Lucia likes to imagine either new ideas for maid outfits, making dishes, or her own customers in maid outfits.

She's currently Aromatic, her only love right now is her business and dress designs.


Throughout her childhood, Lucia wasn’t known to be an active child. Due to struggles of social anxiety, she had trouble getting along with those both her age and those who were outside of family. Despite the encouragement and support from her family to help her overcome it, she could never see herself improving. One day, when heading home, she took notice of an old woman struggling with hanging a banner, nearly falling over from the ladder. While hesitating, Lucia was able to help the woman get down carefully, to which the old woman thanked her multiple times and was willing to invite her inside her cafe for tea. Lucia tried her best to deny, but was dragged in anyways. When trying to talk with her over tea, the old woman took notice of Lucia's uneasiness and offered her a deal.

“Would you like to try working here sometime? I think you would enjoy yourself more”

Before she knew it, Lucia had a new job. At first she tried to get the old woman to reconsider, but overtime grew to enjoy her time in the cafe. Suddenly she was slowly but surely able to talk to new customers that came in, and even became closer with the old woman. Helping her against her anxiety and becoming more positive. She felt like she was becoming a new person she never thought she could become.

However, it wasn’t to last long as the old woman suddenly passed away during her sleep overnight. The news was given to Lucia by the woman’s grandchildren when coming into work that day, with the following news of shutting down the cafe due to close family members being unable to take over themselves. Lucia offered to take over herself, but was quickly denied.

Due to this news, Lucia returned back to her old state, now depressed and unmotivated that not only was the old woman gone, but so was the cafe following. The fact she couldn’t do anything about it depressed her the most…

But maybe she could continue becoming that person she never thought she could become somewhere else?