


2 years, 1 month ago


The Calligrapher
stardust and flames
souls with names
We have calcium in our bones, iron in our veins, carbon in our souls, and nitrogen in our brains. 93 percent stardust, with souls made of flames, we are all just stars that have people names.
  • Sunlight
  • Cats
  • Making their parents proud
  • Glue
  • Things that shatter
  • Being Alone
Life skills
  • Calligraphy
  • Graphic Design
  • Stealth
full name

Lumi Lueur






August 10th

north america
ethnic background

half american, half french


121 Ibs


Player Info

Timezone: MST/PST depnding on the time of year

Availability to Particpate: Pretty free! Right now I'm on summer break so I have a lot of time, and even when I get back to school I only have half days so I'll have time.

Other Commitments: I'm in one other group at the moment but it's PR style where it'll be active for a bit and then have an interim, and then be active again, and then another interim, etc.

Roleplay Example

A hesitant person, though they don’t show it. Hiding their hesitation behind a stoic face, it mostly shows up through their unwillingness to act. They rarely take initiative, and even then it’s far after the initial incident, past when most people would normally react. Despite this, or perhaps because of this, Lumi is surprisingly judgmental, basing all of their perceptions upon a first meeting. It would take serious effort to get Lumi to change their judgement after it’s made, either through persistent work or some truly huge event.

As part of this, Lumi approaches first meetings carefully, trying to wait for the right time, the right place, the right atmosphere, everything must be perfect or they’ll try to avoid it. Of course, however, it is impossible to avoid people forever, eventually getting that correct introductory moment they wanted or getting talked to before they can escape. Regardless on how those interactions go, once they’re set Lumi has no reservations about talking to the person anymore.

Due to the fact Lumi practically raised themself, they are independent, able to be on their own for long stretches of time. They don’t necessarily like it, preferring to follow around people they favor, but if they are required to be alone, they are able to. Lumi also tends to be cooperative, agreeing rather willing to do things as long as it’s not something they already set their mind against.

All in all, Lumi has a very mechanical thinking process, hesitance making them work their way through each variable before making a decision. Their thoughts trail from one point to another, focusing on it until it makes sense or until they’re forced to a different subject in order to make sense of the first. While it makes them a terrible teammate if you’re trying to go fast, if you’re trying to remember something they’re great to have.


In a small town somewhere in the middle of North America. Lumi Lueur was born to a family that wasn’t the most attentive. As the owners of a famous newspaper, Lueur’s Library, and very work oriented, they considered their job above most things. And unfortunately, most things contained entertaining Lumi. Given the fact they worked from home, and they would just be on the other side of the house, the pair decided that it wasn’t worth it to pay a daycare to take care of Lumi each day. As soon as they deemed Lumi old enough to take care of themself, they asked them to entertain themselves and to be quiet so that they could work.

Lumi took this request to heart, playing and getting up to mischief as quietly as they could, except for a few mishaps, like the time they accidentally broke a glass cup. It was somewhere during this time that their dad gave them a calligraphy brush, at first just to distract them as that was all he had on hand, but then when he saw the fascination Lumi had for it, as an actual supported hobby. This continued as they grew older and began to go to school, if they arrived home within working hours, they were requested to be quiet until working hours were over. It was an uneventful life for the most part. Not much of note happened.

One day when Lumi returned home, 16 years old and in the middle of that teenage rebellion, they stumbled across their parents in the middle of an argument, though the pair quickly assured Lumi that it was nothing when they asked. Just a work related issue! Not related to Lumi at all. It was soon after that their dad approached them to ask if they wanted a job. They could use their calligraphy hobby and make posters for the paper, propaganda posters, but that part went unsaid. Lumi agreed immediately, they could do something for their parents, use their calligraphy, and earn money? Sign them up!

This little job started immediately, and while Lumi never quite realized they were making propaganda posters, they had a great time doing it for the two years it lasted. This was all suddenly shattered when they woke up one day to a sudden surprise. A blessed mark was hovering over them, and a text arrived on their phone soon after, informing the newly marked Lumi on how to get to Sanctuary, if they so wished.

It was… shocking to say the least. The family tiptoed around eachother for a week before the mom hesitantly suggested that Lumi should go. It’s not every day you’re blessed after all, and besides! She joked, it would certainly be one interesting article to write! Lumi, still always following his parent’s requests, and also frankly curious about potentially being able to do magic, agreed. Receiving some last minute gifts from their parents -new calligraphy supplies from their father, and a new backpack to store all their stuff in from their Mother- and heading on their way to the sanctuary.

It was sure to be interesting at least.


Lumi’s parents are kinda neglectful and made them quietly take care of themself during Work Hours so now Lumi is always quiet during those times. Dad gave them a Calligraphy pen and they grew obsessed with the hobby. When they were 16 their dad asked if they wanted to make posters as a part time job and Lumi did that for 2 years before getting marked and heading to the sanctuary.

  • Their favorite treat is snowcones
  • Tends to freeze up and just not move if the area is too crowded
  • Enjoys watching Timelapse vidoes
Extra Trivia
Design Notes
  • It is unknown what their hair is like underneath the hoodie, feel free to do whatever you want with it!
  • If drawing their hoodie, feel free to simplfy and not do all the markings, only ones I really request are the little heart ones
  • Open spot for later
credits: /