Joseph The Lesser Caviony



6 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info


Adult Mid 20s in Human Years




Lesser Caviony


Brave, Courageous, Goofy, Immature for his age, Too Competitive, doesn't realize his own strength


West Abraha too far to travel to the oceans but not very high in elevation


Brother named Jamingine, Mother named Bethe Father named Tikvah


Mary The Lesser Caviony


Twin sons Zeb and Eddee

Best Friend

Closest adult Caviony have to friendship is their mate


All Glory Goes to God for he is the one who made the Window to my soul and saved my soul!

This is Joseph he is a Lesser Caviony a species of Caviony which are a group of Open Species created by me. Info on the species can be found in this description. They are free to make your own and you are allowed to use them for profit on and off Deviant Art without need to pay royalties as long as you give credit to me for the species. That includes but is not limited to adopts, art, books, comics, videos, movies, and merchandise.

Joseph is the mate of Mary The Lesser Caviony. They are the mascots for Caviony and for there specific species Lesser Caviony. They are both adults making there fresh start as a couple. They have a pair of twin sons named Zeb and Eddee. Joseph has a twin brother named Jamingine. Joseph likes to chase small creatures infront of Zeb and Eddee to teach them how to hunt. It's his favorite part of fatherhood. He also likes to wrestle lightly with Zeb and Eddee but never lets them win or get an advantage which typically ends with them frustrated and mad at him with Mary shaking her head.

Jude 1:21

Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.

If you have any questions about Jesus feel encouraged to send me a note. Hate notes though will be ignored, and won't bother me so it'd be a waste of your time.

List of Different Caviony Species and Info

Yes it Flies.

Both male and Females have manes. Only difference between genders is the females have slightly longer eyelashes. In other words my males won't have eyelashes visible. Although if you create your own it's up to you if they are visible or not. Most males don't have cheek spots but some males do, all females do but it's not required if you don't like cheek spots. The cheek spots don't have to be circles but can be any shape or pattern you want.

Caviony are found everywhere on Dei Pax. Most species are diurnal accept Midnight Caviony. Caviony are carnivores. They give live birth too 2 kits at a time. They live with their parents until puberty then the twins take off together if the same gender hunting together looking for mates of the other gender and then they pair up for life and raise their own families.

Midnight Caviony come in only dark colors with getting lighter and grayed as they age eventually turning medium gray near death. They are found in Central Isra in the mountainous regions with harsh winters and cooler summers. They are also found in East Isra in the cooler less snowy areas with less mountains.

Giant Caviony come in medium shades of pale colors in natural tones. They are slower and are scavengers with good gut bacteria and can eat organs and spoiled meat most species can't. They have lots of strong muscles in their jaws allowing them to crack through bones and armored flesh. Their teeth if they fallout will always grow back and if chipped will grow. They gnaw on bones too keep their teeth from getting too long.

White Caviony have longer thicker fluffy feather like structures that keep them the perfect temperature. They only come in pastel colors that start off white at birth and turn pastel in their childhood. Once they get elderly they turn light silver. They are found in North Isra in freezing areas. They can't fly but can swim and can go long periods without eating. They are the only Caviony that will go fishing.

Spotted Caviony come in shades of blue with dark spots. They are very adaptable and found in dry areas from central to West Isra from the Dry Cool lower elevation in the mountains too the Dry temperate areas. They are medium size for Caviony and can fly the fastest and run the longest of any Caviony.

Lesser Caviony are the smallest of Caviony and can come in any hue in medium to light-medium tones with stripes or solid patterns. They eat a lot of smaller creatures such as insect like creatures and members of the Skines order of species which are similar to mustelids and Procyonidae in size and behaviors. They can run in fast bursts and fly for long periods of time and high speeds. They are the most agile species of Caviony. They are found on East and West Abraha in lower elevation.

You can make your own for free just put CRG-Free as species creator. If you wish to make your own species as a spin off of it just put inspired by CRG-Free 's Caviony.

Females are called Caviarre males are called Cavieed