Gerald Alexander Yuemaldi



6 years, 6 months ago


Name: Gerald Alexander Yuemaldi

Nickname: Ger, Gary

Gender: Male

DOB: December 20th

Zodiac: Liithas

Age: 27

Height: 6 ft

Weight: 13.3 stone

Build: Tallish and muscular

Element: Ice (Internalised)

Class: Berserker/Thief

Location: Entrulus City

Occupation: Police Officer

Weapon(s): Standard issue taser

Relationship Status: Single

Personality: Gerald knows he has a poor temper and anger issues. He dislikes it when people point it out. He's very defensive of himself due to his history, as well as getting easily paranoid. However, in the police force his suspicion of others is put to good use. He's optimistic as much as his personality conflicts that, he's attempting to turn a new leaf and do some good in the world. He used to be pretty closed minded but now he's open to all suggestions others provide. He doesn't have many friends but hopes to make some more.


In Reshega, Gerald was a criminal. He committed all kinds of crime and was considered a jack of all trades when it came to criminal activities. He was arrested for assault, scamming, thieving and many other crimes. That's why King Aktin chose him to be a part of his invasion force. Gerald was one of the people tasked with abducting children.

In Esilis, Gerald continued his reign of crime until many years later he encountered a young White Horn while travelling. He had no choice but to adopt them as a son and care for them. This forced him to change and decide to join the police force in Entrulus to attempt to redeem himself.

Currently, he works on duty and comes home to look after that White Horn child (Maxie).



- Hates people calling him Gary.

- Is a surprisingly responsible and good carer to Maxie.

- Plays Rugby for fun.

- Hates walking home alone but luckily can walk home with Lawrence.