Benny Choux



2 years, 1 month ago



Benjamin Choux

Called Benny, Lil' Pup

Gender Non-Binary

Pronouns They/He

Age 18

Ethnicity British

Orientation Toric

Birthday May 24th, 2997

Alignment Neutral Good

Theme Koinu no Carnival

HTML Pinky


Benny Choux is a timid, sweet mutant boy that works as a waiter at The Cinnabun Corner. They're incredibly shy, but like getting attention for their clothing choices. They easily get nervous, and are a bit of a crybaby at times, but genuinely want to be friends with the people around them. They don't think they're a good baker, but they'd love to be able to learn, especially from the bakers around them.

Benny hopes that one day he'll be living comfortably, and be able to get a partner to live with. They enjoy living in the Carbon Coastline, and they hope to make a sort of forever home with whoever catches his fancy, which is currently his co-worker Dev. When he gets crushes, they tend to follow their crush like a puppy, and try their best to make them happy, whenever he can.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Optimistic Pessimistic
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious



Berets They have a large collection of cute, food themed berets, which they adore.

Baked Goods He loves eating pastries and sweets, and sometimes sneaks some at work. His bosses know and let them.

Swimming They like to swim at the beach after work.

Instrumental Music They like to listen to Dev play the viola after work sometimes.


Public Speaking He gets incredibly anxious, and gets hit with nausea when they have to speak to large groups of people.

Visiting Home He didn't have a good home life, and they refuse to go home.

Veggies They don't like eating them, calling them "boring."

Running They don't like running shoes, and they hate sweating. No running.



Attack 20%
Defense 35%
Magic 10%
Resistance 45%
Agility 85%
Stamina 70%
Strategy 95%
Luck 25%


Cuteness Nobody can resist the puppy dog eyes. Nobody.

Bite Although their bark is worse than their bite, they've got some serious chompers.

Intelligent Their love of studying and reading has given them a lot of fun facts and tidbits.

High Stamina They can run and swim for a while without getting too tired.


Low Self Esteem They lack a lot of confidence, and it keeps them from making social connections.

No Strength They can't really lift up a lot of weight. Their arms are not built for lifting.

Anxiety They can't properly talk to people their age, and it's greatly hindering their mental health.

Eyesight They tend to bump into things often, due to their lack of depth perception.


Height 5'3"

Build Lithe, short

Eyes Brown

Skin Tone Peach

Hair Color Dark Brown

Hair Style Short, fluffy, with long bangs

Demeanor Timid


  • Their dog limbs seem to be similar to a chocolate lab's ears and tail.
  • They love to wear fun, different food themed berets.
  • They usually have at least one fang get caught on their lower lip, sticking out of their mouth.
  • They have scars all along their legs, and a handful on their face.
  • Their left eye had a scar over it, which is why they keep their bangs over it. They refuse to show their eye.



Dog Days

Benny Choux was born in Caesium City in Dystopia, to neglectful parents and an arrogant, self-centered older brother. They've never felt like they fit in, dealing with their brother talking over them in what felt like every important event in their life. They were often left to their own devices, accidentally injuring themselves often, leading to them getting in trouble with their parents.

Being left alone, however, left Benny to find their love for fashion while in their own little world. Although they didn't enjoy how their brother treated them, they always admired his sense of fashion and wished to be as fashionable as him. When they were 13, they started experimenting more with fashion, leading to some changes in their gender expression as well. Through this new interest in fashion, they started gaining a bit of attention in school from their fellow peers, including Phil Barkley. This attention, while positive, does make Benny a bit uncomfortable, mostly because they're not sure how to respond to it.

Puppy Love


While in high school, Benny was a bit of a loner, and didn't actively seek out socializing with their peers. They were acquainted with some other students, sure, but nothing solid. After struggling with grades, Benny eventually graduated and quickly moved out to the Carbon Coastline, finding a job at The Cinnabun Corner after earning a bit of sympathy (and pity) from the owners. When they started, they were trained by a tall, smart, and quiet man named Devon Ange.

Benny fell head over heels for Dev, freezing up around him, finding it hard to talk to him, and awkwardly giving him homemade gifts. They're a bit overwhelmed with Dev's kindness and gentle nature, seeing him as someone that can protect them, and give them the love that they feel they've never had. They're not sure if Dev has any feelings for them, but they hope that they can win him over.



Dev Ange


Benny thinks Dev is one of the kindest, gentlest, most handsome men on the Carbon Coastline. They greatly admire him, and wish they could talk to him more easily, although they're slowly getting better as they give him more and more homemade gifts.


Kara Marsh


Benny will always be grateful towards Kara for her kindness, and because she hired them as a waiter for The Cinnabun Corner. They see her as a motherly figure, and love to learn about making sweets and pastries from her, particularly marshmallow treats. They don't think they could ever properly repay her, but that doesn't mean they won't try.


Amai Choux

Older Brother

Benny tries to push down the fear they feel towards him deep, deep down, but they don't like their older brother. They hope to not see him often in their adult life, but they know that Amai followed them to the Carbon Coastline. They actively avoid him, and shut down when they're around him.