Bobcape's Comments

Would you accept any character and/or art for him and perhaps his prevolutions? 

Hello, I am the designer who made Bobcape and it's pre-evolutions.
This is a Fakemon I made for the group Silent Eclipse, of which this is the Mod Account which is shared between the entirety of the Moderator team.
None of our Fakemon are up for sale, in this case I am a mod with access to this account, but some of the Fakemon designers aren't mods and can't log in to respond to offers.

All this to say that I respectfully decline your offer. If you are interested in having a character which is a Bobcape or one of it's pre-evolutions, I encourage you to join the group, as you can obtain one of your own.
I understand it is different to owning the species or the original design itself, but if it is something which may interest you, then the option is there.

Have a good day!

- Mod Espurr

I understand, thanks and bye