Remington Flinn





Name Remington Flinn
Job Musician/Pawnshop
Age 24
Gender Male
God parent Pluto
Status Single
Sexual Orientation Pansexual
Fatal Flaw Blind Trauma
Heigh/Weight 6'4" || 201Lbs
Weapon Duel Dolabra (Throwing axes)
Mistform Guitar picks


  • Adaptable
  • Clever
  • Creative
  • Genuine
  • Loyal
  • Well-rounded


  • Abrasive
  • Aloof
  • Envious
  • Neutral
  • Hesitant
  • Insecure


Remi is able to adjust pretty well in new locations. He's moves so much that he's just hotwired to figure it out on his own. though now he has help.


Remi will make it work. He can figure it out though intelligence. And Can even fix little problems with small fix its.


Remi Likes to work with his hands. It's true he plays the guitar. But he can often think on the spot and play a tune to fit whatever he needs to. That and he likes to make skill face masks with clay.


He is very sincere. His past makes it hard for him to be anything other than honest and authentic.


If Remi likes you he is very loyal. He will be there for you through thick and thin.


There is a lot that surounds Remi. And he's just able to accept most things for what they are.


Though it's not impossible. Remi tends to show little concern or feelings towards others.


He is friendly, but he acts cool and distant with most strangers. Unless given a reason.


Of course he wants what others have. He wants to be happy. He wants to be able to show more emotion. Remi just has that fear inside.


If a fight is happening. Remi does his best to avoid it unless he absolutly has to get involved.


Unless in battle. Remi is Hesitant to engage in anything. Again it's a fear.


Remi is not confident or assured. He get anxious and will back out. Better to be alone. Than to fuck up a potential friendship.


Precious detector

Remi Know's when something valuble is underground and can pinpoint it if it's a decent amount. About the size of a rings worth. Anything less he can't find with his ability.

Grave Summon

Remi can summon one doomed soul to help him in battle. It can be a problem since they attack blindly and often attack his friends. He has to be carful when using it.


Remi had a rough upbringing. His verbally abusive mother and stepfather took things up a notch by being physical with the young man. From day one, Remi didn't know what a normal childhood was. It was a wonder how he survived. The worst was when at the age of five. Remi made a little mistake on his end as his stepfather grabbed him by the throat and slammed him into a wall. Almost breaking his windpipe. Suppose if it wasn't for his concerned Neighbors who called the police. Remi would have died. While rushed to the hospital, Remi had to go through throat surgery. Trying to stop his throat from closing up and suffocating him. At the same time, his stepfather was taken to jail for child abuse. One would think this would be better for the child of pluto. But in fact, it made things worse with his mother. She blamed almost all misfortune on Remi. And her verbal abuse turned more violent. Remi could never catch a break. Things only got worse as he would think he could see monsters. But was accused of being a liar. His word felt like it was spiraling more out of control. And slowly felt like he was going crazy as the years passed. When Remi turned eight, his stepfather was set free from jail. Remi having enough of his living situation decided to run for it. And felt a need to go into the forest, where he found himself in front of a giant wolf. She took him in, calling herself Lupa, and taught him the way. She did her best to give him a summary of who he was. And who his father was. She called him a Demigod. Treated him with more respect than anyone in his life before. Making Remi feel more at home with this beast. So when he had finished his training and was sent away only felt just as broken as before. "Find the Camp Jupiter." These were the last known spoken words from Lupa to Remi. When Remi found his way to his camp, he wasn't welcomed with open arms. It was far more violent than that, as he was threatened to prove himself. Anxious and scared, he kept his ground and his wolf eyes forward. But it was at this time he finally snapped and discovered one of his abilities as he summoned a lost soul who lashed out for him. It was the proof needed he wasn't some mortal lost but a Demigod who found his home. It was also the moment he was claimed by the Rome god Pluto. Years would go by as he resigned at Camp Jupiter. But still, Remi never felt like he was at home. He was still treated as if he was an outcast. His father was the ruler of the underworld. And They viewed Remi still as bad luck. And though he would join in on quests. He was often chosen last to participate and would only be taken on the quests that would usually end in someone's death. In one case, Remi went on a quest to fight off some rogue harpies who had taken supplies. That ended with a kid passing away. Of course, he would be looked at for this misfortune. When Remi turned sixteen, he had enough. And on a quest, after a completed quest. Remi took his leave. He didn't say goodbye. He had no one he would miss and found his way to New York. No other reason other than he had heard he could find something to do. Homeless and hungry, Remi was passing by when he witnessed someone fighting a monster. He thought about just walking away. But something told him he needed to lend them a hand as he slew Lamia long side, another demigod. Later finding out the demigod was greek. And called himself Ham. To his knowledge, he shouldn't have taken anything from this greek. But when he was offered a bed for the night. He had to take it. Thankfully he did because he met a wonderful woman who insisted he calls her Mama Carol—getting a hot meal and a warm bed. This was already more kindness he had ever received. But when he was offered a permeate spot in the household. It about broke Remi as this wasn't normal, and he was almost sure something awful was to fallow. Still, he agreed and found a family: a Greek and his mother. As time passed, Remi was taught Guitar by Ham and Piano by Mama Carol. Life had finally gotten better. But still, Being a son of pluto, he was a beacon for monsters to find. So when Ham offered to take him to camp half-blood. He took the opportunity to see the other side. Still, He was close to the age limit, so it would only be for the summer. Still, The security would be excellent, even for a short while. And found himself enjoying his time there. It was far more welcoming and seemed warmer. Returning to mama Carol, forming a band with his brother from another mother. He was having the time of his life. But It could only last so long. So when Ham suggested they move to a place called Little Olympia, they had little to convince as Remi would go to the underworld if Ham told him to. But Little Olympia was far more pleasant as Remi finds his place in life.

Blind Trauma

Remi has gone through a lot of hardships. From abuse to issolation. He tries not to think about events so he can move on. But if reminded will freeze and find himself in a panic.

Magical Item



  • Remi's Key is his nose Ring. It's always on him. He just flicks it to get through the Peach grove. Same as Ham's
  • A lot of his tattoos are pin poked. He's got a thing for pain.
  • Remi was adopted at 16 by Ham's mom, Mama Carol.
  • Remi plays the lead Guitar and vocals in a band with his brother from another mother Jayden Hamilton
  • Remi can't dance. He tries but he looks like a mime trying to escape a box.
  • In the band he wears a Wolf Skull with antlers. He calls himself the The Litch.
  • His Bands called Road Kill Chimeras (RKC) Their a borderline Screamo group.
  • Remi constantly has Bitch face. He either looks like he's pissed off or bored. HE had a hard time with emotions.


  • Animals
  • Kids
  • Music
  • Axe tricks
  • Jewelry
  • Tattoos


  • Sweets
  • Threats
  • Opera
  • Glitter
  • Cold places
  • Sleaves

Stats Points
STR 14
DEF 13
DEX 14
CON 12+3
Total 63
HP 50