


1 year, 11 months ago

Basic Info


21 Moons


Parents: Fennelseed, Toadstar

Siblings: Windthorn, Palesong, Redpuddle, Ravenkit, Owlkit, Swiftkit

Mentored by Quickspring

Bio: Since a young age, Ferretclaw has admired his father, Toadstar. As a kit, he was very brash and reckless. He was apprenticed to Quickspring in the hopes she could calm him down and teach him patience, and he grew into a proud and dignified warrior. He never lost his fierceness however, and has been eager for a chance to fight for his clan. 

That chance came with the Leaf-bare battle. Toadstar led Shadowclan in an attack against Windclan. Ferretclaw was glad for the chance to prove himself and fought well, helping to overwhelm the Windclan leader, which cost her a life. However, Windclan received reinforcements from Thunderclan, and forced the Shadowclan cats to retreat. Ferretclaw sustained several injuries, and saw Toadstar refuse to stop fighting, disappearing amidst the enemy cats.

Ferretclaw escaped, but worries about the fate of his father.

Wounds: His right front leg is cut open. His right front leg is bruised. His lower body is cut open. His lower body is bruised. His upper body is cut open. His right front paw is dented.