


6 years, 6 months ago



cotton is based on a very well loved stuff animals i love to absolute shreds when i was younger that one toy you love above all else in your house and can’t go anywhere with out it.

Cotton is that one toy my children have loved above all else. Originally a white dog with a green winter hat. He has been loved to tatter and spilled on so may time his fur is no longer pure white and has been patched up. I have fixed him up several times but there is only so much needle and thread can do to fix something loved so much. I had to do something to fix such a loved toy. I used magic. Instead of making him brand new and loose the sense of love he has felt. I gave him something more than he has had I gave him live I made him a real part of the family with a few special modifications.

                His hat does not come of please do not draw him without it is attached to his head. There is also nothing I could do to replace his lost eye except a large blue button. He does ok with his one eye. He never seems to mind. I was not able to give him a voice seeing as how he gets loved so hard and any kind of crystal I would out in him would cut down on his hug ability. He makes up for the lack of the a voice by being very vocal with body language. He ahs a habit up jumping up and down when he is existed or upset. His mouth stiches can smile frown and even open a little when he is upset.

                The next thing I did was make him able to move. He himself is able to decide if he is able to move on his own or go limp for the best hugs and cuddles.  When he decides to move his fabric stiffens and is able to support himself.  He feels no pain since he is a stuff animal nor does he have an internal organs beside stuffing. He is still very much a loving stuff animal that likes hugs and cuddles.  Even when he gets interrupted while working on something in the play room. He is always ready for love and play.

                His left paw has been replaced with a magical thimble it is indescribable and a favorite target for dizz’s teeth. Form his thimble paw are magic needles that can bend to be used as fingers. Yet can go stiff and be used as normal needles. His right paw as strong string like fingers. His tail is a magic ball of string that is unlimited and magical. It can enlarge and change to full on rope to make chew toys for dizz and bark or thin to the finest thread to help repair himself and the other toys in the play area. His legs are normal patch work of fabric and sting.

                First and foremost cotton is the favorite toy of the children. He puts the children happiness above all else. He can never stand to see any of them sad even the older children who have outgrown him as a toy they still love him as a younger sibling. When eh is not being played with, cuddled, hugged, or other wised smothered and loved he fixes the other toys, pillow, and blanket of the play room and sages and dizz’s room.  All in all cotton is a very well loved toy and is now a real member of the family.