
6 years, 5 months ago


Current name

Siako Thresur
other alieses
pink death, tailed terror, the feeder

Siako has been many things in her long life. I minor summons to dark wizards, a beast that terrorized the country side, the temporally lover to the changling subject, a member of the void realm court under vex. Yet as the centuries dragged on siako roll in the world changed as do her personal interests. She will eb the first to admit she can be a bitch most times and gas done down right unforgiveable acts but truly she can’t be bothered to care.

Currently she is chips second in command of the crime syndicate he runs. She is also the one that gave him his mage deck. The jobe pleases her and lets her do what ever she wants with very little actual liabilities or responsibilities.  Her main roll in the crime syndicate is very simple she keeps the order and deal with lesser issue that arise. And over sees the  black market trade of exotic parts and magical supplies. It also lets her get first dibs on all goods and creature keeping her personal labs stocked. She also has a harsh reputation for not liking ill treatment and damage goods. 

Siako feeds primarily of the thoughts and emotions of others. Her preferred feeling are fear, anger loos and regret, all emotion quit numerous in a casino. The steady supply of food sustains Siako from ever needing to go to a more violent means of nurturance.

For how ever cold she can be to adults siako does have an odd soft side for children. She never goes out of her way to be nice but if a child is dropped on to her she will do her best to raise them as she see fit. her care of rex is a key example. she taught him how to survive in the crime world he was raised in. it wasn’t a tradition raising but it was practical and complete to his survival in the world he was thrown in to. She was finally happy when chip saw how important rex could be even if she needed top do the initial push to get chip noticed.

For that is the thing Siako has no real allegiance to any one but her self. She will gladly work with other or even let other think they are above her as long as it pleases her needs. But if her needs change or someone crosses a line she will not hesitate to lash out or simple move on. 


It is easy to say what siako can’t do then list the large list of spells, skills, and abilities she has picked up over the centuries. There is very little she can’t to given enough time to work out a spell. Yet as a being of darkness and hell fire. Light magic and blessed magic are not her strong suit and are her only one clear weakness. Yet she has built up an immunity to such magic and relics over the centuries it cans till be a used to cause her great pain.