;w; Hey there, is there any chance you allow pings?
(I totally and completely understand if the answer is no)

I do allow pings and will let you know if I ever decide to rehome her.
I have thought about it a few times but I haven't had a offer (price/oc/art) that I was really set on. 

Hey MiriannaLawson I'm so very sorry for this ping but I feel like the longer I keep her, the more i'll disconnect and wanted to give you the first ping as promised before I put her ufo

No need to apologize! I understand that feeling, sure I'd be happy to offer on her! I can do art or another character swap possibly. Let me know if you see anyone of interest on my TH or in my FA adopts. 💗💗

I favorited a couple I really liked the other day👉👈

I only saw like 5 faced and this was the only swappable one, were there any others?


It's the crowns mostly strictly offlimits correct?

I saw these guys without the crowns that I adore very much! And would take only one (TBN Mastiff if my #1 go-to)

https://toyhou.se/18050105.-goldie- https://toyhou.se/18061320.-tbn- https://toyhou.se/8722648.daddy-350-

I can also trade someone to make up for Daddy's worth if you decide you'd allow Him but not the others

I can shoot Goldie and TBN your way, Daddy is not up for rehoming atm. 

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