
Ekko Longfin is a Vaquita Porpoise from Planet Earth. Her and her pod of Vaquita's, amounting to 30 some individuals, were caught in a very powerful storm off the coast of Baja California and were swept away. When the pod grouped back together they found themselves in unfamiliar waters and decided to wander for a bit. Turns out they were pulled into the waters of Planet Aquarisidon and it did not take long for dragons and griffins native to the Water Kingdom to notice and attempt to hunt them. A young Lumera Lightstar was currently visiting the nation to talk about war preparations when she was alerted by her Naval General that there was a commotion outside. Lumera and her poise took off immediately to find the dragons and griffins trying to pluck the poor porpoises out of the sea, however, they also noticed that the Vaquita's small size allowed them to slip away and completely dodge the attacks of their offenders.

Lumera came to the Vaquita's defense and declared that this pod and its species as a whole be protected in the waters of Lumeria and its allies. After that Lumera stated she would be taking the pod back to Elyessia, where the vast ocean bay would sustain them and help them adjust to their new predicament. In the water's of Elyessia the pod flourished and their numbers increased quickly, leading to their expansion  into The City of Light and even into Aquarisidon itself. Eventually the Vaquita's began to learn to thoroughly and effectively communicate with the dragons and creatures of their new home through their own vocalizations. The Lumerians were quick learners and were able to put together certain click and whistles to conceptual meanings. Based on this understanding prototypes for devices which would translate the meanings of Vaquita and Dragon language into the other's type of speech were developed and successfully implemented.

This started the Lumerian Porpoise Naval Project, in which Vaquita's willing to join Lumeria's fight against the Shadow Dragons would join naval service as assistants and support for fleets and submarines. Ekko was the first of the Vaquita's to join, feeling the need to give back to a people who protected and defended them without even knowing them. Ekko, now truly at one with their new home and its environment, and understanding her ally's plight took up the call. Since her species wasn't really made for war, like dragons and griffins and such, Ekko was implemented into a Sonar and Echolocation Communication program and learned all about the true potential of her own abilities. From this program Ekko emerged as a incredibly valuable Sonar Specialist for the Lumerian Navy. She would go on to help out with interpreting underwater Shadow Dragon messages and the sound of their underwater bombs and weaponry, which she would warn Lumerian vessels about. Ekko is truly an asset to Lumeria, and is a family member they would never ever part with. 

Sonar Gear


Ekko's EMP Device is located on her left fin and can take down Shadow Dragon submarines and deactivate underwater mines. It is like Agent B.E.S.S's EMP Device and is capable of knocking planes out of the air. Echo also found this out when he made an "On Porpoise" joke to Ekko.


This is located on her dorsal fin and helps the Lumerian Navy to keep track of her when she in the field. They are able to follow her position to Shadow Dragon instillations and fleets.


This is connected to her translator. It helps her to send out certain sonar signals to let Lumerian fleets know if danger is approaching or around and what kind of danger it is. It also allows her to interpret the sonar signals of enemy fleets and forces. She can also use it to pick up any signals sent off by devices or mines. The Lumerian fleets can interpret these sonar signals and know what there are facing. This piece is placed on her head and is what allows her to interpret and create her own sonar signals.


This is connected with her Sonar Device. It is placed on the side of her face and a microphone (which is waterproof) goes around to her mouth. This picks up her clicks and echolocation and translates them into dragon speech which is broadcasted through her sonar device, when underwater, or her speaker on the side of her translator, when her head is out of the water.