Hong Xiuquan



2 years, 1 month ago


Hong Xiuquan

grasstaxi / 5-12-22

Art by grasstaxi

Name Hong Xiuquan

Pronouns He/They

Age 25

Orientation Demisexual

Occupation Astronomer

Relationship Kaixus Deylen

Accolades Fallen Aasimar

Circle of Stars Druid

Theme Salvatore

Hong is an assistant astronomer to Master Zhao, and considered a part of the Circle of Stars research committee, committed to learning the secrets of the stars and planets, their origins and their alignments.

While he has his own goals alongside this research, his main source of salary is research grants and publications surrounding his academic work. He is a well respected contemporary who has begun his rise outside of the shadows of his mentor after his groundbreaking work on constellation mapping and interpretation.

Also a skilled healer as a consequence of his focus on druid magic, Hong occasionally offers healing as a side gig when he’s particularly low on gold.


Hong has denounced all faith. Having left behind the Path of the Sanctum, he instead seeks to deconstruct the harmful way of the celestials and allow the aasimar still in the Sanctum freedom. He also shares similar reservations for other faiths, such as the She Xing Wan pantheon. In this sense, he is anti-religion..

Though the Circle of Stars is atheistic in nature, many consider this a “faith of academics”. Hong is devoted to his study and appreciation of astronomy.

Motivations and Flaws


After loosing his childhood friend, Shoi Ming, in training at his aasimar temple, Hong is driven to discover the mysteries behind the Celestials Upper Sanctums, and sever their connection the to plane of Eurath. He believes that they are manipulating the minds of aasimar in order to further their selfish goals.

Furthermore, Hong believes in the inherent beauty of the stars. In his travels, he wants to further his connection them, and develop his skills in star magic and astronomy. While he considers this a secondary concern, his enthusiasm regarding this pursuit is undeniable.


As a consequence of his absent-minded nature, sometimes Hong forgets to pay attention to the people around him. He instead focuses on the thoughts and ideas running through his head, which on occasion leads to him missing things around him or what others have said. He is the quintessential “head in the clouds” academic.

Hong also struggles to trust others. After being betrayed by his own people, and loosing the person closest to him in his youth, he fears trusting again. He doesn’t want to drag others into his struggle against the Celestials, nor does he want to put them in danger. Furthermore, he fears once again being betrayed.

Notably, Hong is considered quite vain. He despises being dirty, and only wears the finest of clothes. A minor flaw that is annoying to some and endearing to others.


intelligent, witty, flowery absent-minded, vain, formal







Stat percentages

Hong is a careful, absent-minded man. Rather than focusing on what’s in front of him, his mind often wanders to the stars above. Most consider him stoic and stern, as he rarely smiles or emotes. Though it seems he cares about others, he never allows himself to get too close.

Hong carefully selects his words, constructing complex sentences to display his grandiose thoughts. He wholeheartedly believes that the stars (and the celestials) are listening; any ill conceived sentence may give away his plans to destroy the Celestial Sanctum.

Most of what he talks about is academic and magical theory. He rarely shares in the interests of others, more interested in furthering his connection with the stars.

Sometimes, he can be a bit overly formal. Addressing others by their full name, saying elaborate and flowery greetings- all this in the name of appearing pleasant.


Hong with his hair up.


  • Collecting fine clothes, oils, and perfumes in order to enhance his overall appearance and presentation.
  • Capturing 3d images of constellations in his magical focus, and attempting to project them in dark rooms. He wants to bring the magic of the stars with him everywhere he goes.
  • Jewelry; especially with crystals that specialize in capturing light.
  • Strategy games and board games- moreso winning them in the most cunning way he can conceive.


  • Being messy and unkempt, whether for himself or other people. Hong is quite the fastidious individual.
  • Other aasimar who follow the Sanctums prescriptions. He doesn’t know who is an unknowing participant of the whims of their leaders, and who has actively chosen to continue following the aasimar path.
  • Sloppy and imprecise language.
  • Daytime; while he understands its importance, it dampens his connection to the stars.


  • Hong’s first name means water or flood, and his last name means worshiper of god. Together the names mean “he who has a great dream” (洪秀全).
  • Hong is named after a historical figure divined through the Sanctum’s oracle- this figure is said to be from an alternate universe to that of Eurath’s.
  • While the academic life doesn’t lend to one developing strength and musculature, Hong has spent much time carrying around heavy scrolls for his master. He thus appears quite fit.
  • Like other aasimar (fallen or otherwise) Hong maintains extremely long hair as a sign of his connection to magic. This is largely a cultural means of respectful presentation for aasimar.


Guotin Zhao, 75.

Hong see’s his Master Zhao as a father figure, and someone who he owes his life too. Though he uses formal terminology to address him, it is clear from the interactions between the two that they are an affectionate father and son pair.

Hong often helps his aging father carry about scrolls, clean the tower, and cook food. Though elves are long lived, Hong knows that he will one day outlive him, which heavies his heart.

Shoi Ming, 10.

Ming remembers Hong fondly, but when the two reunite, they find they have become too different to bear. Hong lacks his wings- a fallen aasimar who has entirely turned from the Path. Disconnected from his culture and long since having lost the voice of his Celestial guide, Ming could only assume that Hong’s fall had been a deliberate choice.

Hong, though he was overjoyed to see that Ming had survived his fatal accident, was ultimately suspicious that he had not been disavowed and still maintained his wings. He assumed Ming was still on the Path, and that thusly he was liable to betray Hong at any time. This tension shattered the friendship of their youth.

As their story develops, the two discover the truth about their respective stories, and navigate through the complex push and pull of their relationship with one another.

Kaixus meets Hong through Ming, when they reuinite after their long separation. Initially, he is quite suspicious of Hong, especially considering the tense relationship between him and Ming. When he hears Ming’s initial suspicions that Hong has chosen to become fallen due to some monstrous actions he believes him, and shuns Hong entirely.

Eventually Kaixus forms a begrudging respect for Hong’s cunning and wit after loosing to him in a game of chess. While he isn’t less suspicious of him, he at least trusts his competency (for better or for worse).