Lenora's Comments

Iā€™m interested in this guy and can offer a character (any characters in my sales folder of similar value) or art trade of comparable value. For art it can be a custom wolf headshot or chibi and you can see examples here: https://instagram.com/wildcorgi_doodles?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA%3D%3D&utm_source=qr šŸ’›

Hey, thank you for your comment! I'd like to accept the art offer! Ā Ā  Will send you a dm if that's ok! :)

Yes that works feel free to dm me here or on insta šŸ’›

will you look at art offers ?? if so i can do 4 shaded headshots ik it aint much but this bean looks absolutely gorgeous

Sadly. I am in need of cash x.x ;; dog had an emergency vet visit.

ah all good i hope your dog is okay ^^

She is. She barked so hard. She popped her kneecaps out lol. Little dogs. I swear.