


6 years, 5 months ago



"You can handle this one, right? Good, I need a nap."

Sunstone (Prefers 'Sun')
Active/On Earth
Genderless (They/Them)
Gem (Sunstone)

Sunstone (nicknamed 'Sun' by their fellow gems) is a gem on Earth who works a patrol along with their partner Moonstone. They specalize in long-range combat, choosing to fight with a bow and arrow instead of the usual swords and melee weapons that most gems choose. They're very good at dodging arrow fire from Lunarians, but can't say the same for their partner and more often than not ends up carrying Moonstone back to Rutile in pieces due to their recklessness.

Sun's body is full of minor impurities that make it harder for them to absorb light than most gems, causing them to constantly feel tired and sluggish no matter how much time they spend in the sun. They're usually out by the time sunset starts, and every year during hibernation they're the first one asleep and the very last one awake. They have a bit of a friendly rivalry with Phos over this, often racing to see who can get dressed and asleep faster, with Sun going as far as to fall asleep while Red Beryl is dressing them to beat Phos to bed. Despite how they carry themselves during patrol and between Lunarian attacks, they dont pull any punches or drag their feet when a Lunarian decides to show up. They give it their all until the end of the battle and then usually pass out right on the spot unless Moon needs to be taken to Rutile, in which case they'll tough it out to carry them back to the school.

They're a very kind gem who cares deeply for their siblings and Sensei and would be willing to do anything to protect them, as shown by how they're willing to break off one of their legs to fire as a projectile if they're out of arrows to save one of their fellow gems. They're particularly fond of Moon, and cherishes them above all else. They've been paired up for nearly 500 years, and Sun wouldn't know what to do without them. Thye were also very close with the old Morga, and attempted to befriend the new one but failed due to them always running away from them before they could get a word in. The new Goshe told them that Morga knew Sun was close to their old self and worried that Sun would be disappointed in how they compared to who they once were. After Phos awakens from their 102 year slumber and consoles the two, Morga approaches Sun and the two start to build a friendship. Sun is known for speaking very slowly, something that aggrivates many of their siblings. They're so close to Moon that they can tell what they're trying to say before they can finish their sentence, so it rarely creates a problem when they're trying to communicate during a battle.

When Moon takes off for the moon with Phos and the others, Sun desperately tries to call out of them and shoot down the sunspot that was taking them away, but was incapacitated when they were shot with an arrow that broke them in half and left them unable to move with nothing to do but watch their closest friend head off to the moon. Moon had tried to convince them to leave with them, but Sun refused and insisted that it was a terrible idea, even threatening to tell Sensei what they were upto if they didn't come to their senses. Moon lied to make them feel better but still ended up accepting Phos' invitation and leaving, claiming that they were born to see the moon (since it was right there in their name).

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