
6 years, 4 months ago


Very detached seeming, speaks in a nearly monotone voice.... it's hard to explain like everything is breathy and mysterious sounding!! >:0 He's very spiritual and superstitious, the kind of person who would avoid mirrors so they don't break and give bad luck, never walks underneath a ladder, keeps certain objects and plants at home to ward off bad spirits, salts the doorways to keep bad luck at bay, stuff like that. He expresses himself poorly with words and often relies on exaggerated body language to get his mood across- knowing the pheromones he speaks in are not picked up by other species. He Bathes in pomelo leaves and rosemary when he fears bad luck, avoids the number 13 and 4. Keeps large jars with individual crickets on some shelves, feeds them regularly. Mistletoe (hung in several places), pomelo (to be bathed in when ill, or pummelled with), ivy (growing up the walls of his apartment), and onions (to surround himself with when ill), rosemary (to ward off bad spirits), salt by the doorway, sage for healing teas and burning. His money tree is his pride and joy and he lavishes it with compliments and sings to it, though he wouldn't tell that to a soul. He knocks on wood, literally. He keeps a four-leaf clover in a small vial tied up with twine into a necklace, always worn or in a pocket. It's somehow very well-preserved, he won't ever tell where he got it.

Nona works as a janitor (ahem, well, maintenance) for a store.  When people of the same species hilariously try to hit on him he's as dense as a brick of tungsten so it never works out. People of other species are very unsettled by him as they don't often pick up on the body language of his species well and can't detect the pheremones, add that with his social awkwardness and he's a bit of an anomaly. He's very well meaning though, tries to get along with everyone, for good karma and just because he's a nice fellow. He tidies up in areas constantly, it suits him as he dislikes filth anyway

His visual design is supposed to be like bug but anthro but meets magical girls - that brooch is literally a body part it doesn't come off, don't even try. the little red gems on the head are actually second eyes, don't take those off either!!! He CAN and DOES wear clothing I just need to sketch up some art of that because I always draw him naked //sobs//   putting this pretty guy in a janitor outfit is going to hurt my heart but it must be done to keep that chiton clean! >:C