Snowball Balraj



2 years, 27 days ago


Name: Snowball Balraj

Nicknames: Snowy

Age: 6

Gender: Male 

Fur Tone: Snow Drift & Dark Jungle Green

Eyes: Marigold Yellow & Crystal Blue

Race: Arctic Wolf

Species: Wolf

Height: 44 Inches

Weight: 9 Pounds

Birthday: October 9th

Sign: Scorpio

Abilities: Keen senses, Large teeth, Powerful jaw

Likes: Sumitra, Agate, James, Noodles, Protecting family, Cuts of meat specifically chicken, Quiet nights, Sleeping next to his owner, Chase playing with other dogs or his owner, Howling, Fireplaces, Being pet, Being brushed, Snow

Dislikes: Truvius, Being in a cage, People pulling on him, Other dangerous wolves, Nets or ropes, Yelling, Puppy cries, Other wolves, Dog fights, Viberto, Zoo, Most people, Thunderstorms, The wild, Being bitten or hurt, Hunting

Voice Headcannon: Arctic Wolf Barks:

Theme Song: Wolf By First Aid Kit

Personality: Typical for a wolf, Snowball is protective of his pack. Which in this case would be the Villainy 101. Specifically his owner Sumitra. He is always ready to guard himself and the others against threats. Under the protectiveness, he is very loving and caring. When you need a big old pile of fluff to cuddle at night Snowball is there. Snowball is also a bit of a hermit, enjoying indoors far more than the outdoors. It's just safer and more comfortable. For a wolf, Snowball is shockingly docile. Not typically going for violence, he acts more like a golden retriever than a wolf. Snowball can get annoyed quite easily though, especially with loud noises. He wants to live his life in peace and quiet safe in the Villainy 101 Mansion. 

Bio: This arctic wolf was in a zoo for quite some time, being in an enclosed space stuck somewhere unfamiliar always made this wolf anxious. He was a rarer type of wolf as well considering him and his special eyes. His life was pretty basic until one day one of the other wolves in the enclosure began to fight with him. Knawing on whatever he can to beat Snowball. However Snowball did win, he ended up fatally injuring the wolf in the process, the zoo had now deemed him too dangerous. He was going to be put back into the wild with no chance of surviving, he barely knew the wild at all. The wolf tried to fight his way out of being taken away but lucky for him, Sumitra was there to stop it. For a large sum of money, Sumitra purchased Snowball as his own. So he wouldn't have to be put into the wild. Now Snowball lives peacefully in the Villainy 101 home, far away from the dangers of life.