


2 years, 1 month ago


Slot Number Zorro [48]

Species Zorua

Typing Dark

Gender Male

Height 2'02"

Ability Illusion

Traits Sphinx

Level 41

Prestige Rank 0

Designer moogiee_moo

Owner moogiee_moo



A mischievous kid that showed up at the guild one day. Nobody really knows where he came from, or why he chooses to prank just about everybody he comes across, but nobody's had the heart to kick him out, either. Always one for harmless pranks and never actually meaning to cause any lasting trouble, Zorro's sly and confident, and surprisingly always one to lend a helping paw when he finds someone that needs it! That being said, it seems as if he's always shy about accepting help whenever he's the one that requires it, often running away before anybody can assist him. He currently lives alone on the outskirts of the guild, and though he doesn't ever explain why, he always seems to be on the lookout for something...


  • Sweaters
  • Pranks
  • The Ocean
  • Surprising Others


  • Getting Caught
  • Cold Weather
  • Bitter Berries
  • Gossip


  • He tries to knit sweaters for himself! He isn't the greatest, but he's learning.
  • Though he enjoys pranking others, he would certainly blame himself if somebody ended up getting hurt because of them.
  • He's confident about his lack of fur, and likes to encourage other Sphinx 'mons who may be self-conscious about their own appearances.
  • While he's smaller than most other Zorua, he's much quicker on his feet than the others, which he often takes advantage of in his pranks!

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