Chikako Yotsuba



6 years, 6 months ago


Name Chikako Yotsuba




Personal Information

Race: Shinigami


Age Appearance: 28

Birthday: December 15

Gender: Female

Height: 5’  (5’8” with her heels)

Weight: 126 lbs



Professional Status

Affiliation: Gotei 13

Occupation: Captain

Team: Squad 7

Partner: Ryo Kagesaki

Base of Operations: Seireitei, Squad 7 barracks



Personal Status



Chikako grew up without any blood relatives, but considers the kids and Hana from the rukongai her family




Shino Academy




Chikako is a very short and petite woman with fair skin. Her shoulder length dark purple hair is kept up in a bun on top of her head held by a silver cylinder. The strand of the hair on the left side of her face is noticeably longer than the one on her right side. Chikako is very proud of her bright yellow eyes for how they stand out. She also wears a pair of silver circle earrings each having a pair of points hanging from each disk. As one of the shortest captains on record for the Seireitei, Chikako was constantly hearing about her size. This instantly led to her adding her trademark 8-inch-tall sandals to her wardrobe. Not only did this stop the questions, but it also boosted Chikako’s confidence a bit. For a bit of a fashion flare, as well as to give her some room, Chikako cut her shihakusho to a makeshift dress with two long slips on each side.




Chikako is a very energetic person. She always wants to be the center of attention and believes that she is a natural born star. Despite her need for the spotlight Chikako is very sweet and knows to keep her ego in check for the good of those in her squad. Even if she is fun loving, if anyone brings up her height Chikako snaps becoming very angry and hostile. Luckily for most Chikako is as quick to anger as she is to calm back down. She has a weakness for children and never wants to see them upset. Chikako will go out of her way to make them happy. And if there are ever kids in danger, Chikako will be the first one to rush in to protect them.





When she was very young, Chikako came to the Soul Society and found herself in the western Rukongai. The area wasn’t as dangerous as others, but she still had to fend for herself. She tried to work for the local landlord. Sun up to sunset she did everything the head butler said. Even if she had a roof over her head, the pay wasn’t nearly enough for the hard labor. After that Chikako went off on her own to find something better

A few weeks went by without Chikako finding anyone that would give her chance with even most ignoring her from the start. It didn’t take very long for what little money she had to run out. When she felt the hunger setting in, Chikako had no choice. In a market the busiest part of the day she tried to steal some food from a fruit stand.Unfortunately, this was one of the times the adults noticed her. Even after returning the food the merchant still wanted to punish her. Just before he went to strike Chikako an older woman stood between them. She asked that he would leave Chikako’s punishment to her as she was under the woman’s care. 

Her name was Hana and she took Chikako to her home just outside the village. When they arrived, several children ran to greet Hana. Some were younger than Chikako and some older with a few around the same age as her. After getting Chikako something to eat Hana explained why she helped the young girl in the market. It was long ago Hana was happily married to a soul reaper and their dream was to live out in the country with a big family. They were able to get the big home with lots of land that they always wanted. But, they never got the big family as her husband died on a mission in the world of the living. Hana was devastated losing the love of her life, but when she came across a pair of kids in the nearby village she realized their dream could still become a reality by taking in kids like them and Chikako. 


Chikako was very happy living with Hana and the other children. Together they worked on the farm and sold their harvest at the market in town. It wasn’t always easy, but this time Chikako wasn’t alone and everyone helped. She bonded with all the other kids very quickly and felt Hana was such a great person. Chikako decided they should all do something special for Hana that did so much for them all. They all knew that Hana enjoyed reading them stories at night. So they thought to put on a play from the stories she read to them. When they went to perform even a few oftheir neighbors that also wanted to thank Hana for her help as well. After the performance, Chikako felt amazing. Not only did she make Hana happy, but she was so thrilled with all the cheers from the audience. When one of the neighbors suggested that Chikako put on more shows in the village she couldn’t contain her excitement. She would get to perform in front of bigger crowds and maybe make some extra money for Hana and the kids. 


Every time there was a performance, there were more people in attendance. Chikako thought to do something to help make the shows even more exciting. She studied a book of kido attacks that Hana’s husband had. With a lot of practice and some extra time Chikako started to include kido to the shows for special effects. The crowds loved the brilliant kido displays. After one of their performances a pair of soul reapers that were in attendance approached Chikako. They were told about her and came to see her skills first hand. Seeing her mastery for having no formal training impressed them and they were instructed if Chikako showed promise to invite her to the Shino Academy. The two of them said they would come in the morning to get her answer. Chikako was adamant that she would say no, but Hana tried to convince her otherwise. She told Chikako that becoming a soul reaper would lead to a much more comfortable way of life and that she is destined to become someone great. Hana also reassured her that she and the kids would be fine. With a heavy heart, Chikako left to join the Shino Academy the next day promising that the kids and Hana will be proud of the soul reaper she will become.


Her years at the academy were hard, but rewarding as well. Chikako was able to meet up with her friend Shinthat was also attending the academy as one of her juniors. She also worked to sharpen her skills. With her natural talent for kido, Chikako got a raked position in Squad 7. After years of training and dedication Chikako rose the ranks eventually becoming Captain when the position became available. As a Captain, Chikako wanted to make sure everyone is the seiretei was not only ready for battles but also able to have a good time in between.



Zanpakuto-: Asahoshi (MorningStar) Chikako’s zanpakuto in its sealed state has the appearance of a normalkatana. It has a round guard with stars etched into it as well as dark blue wrapping around the hilt.


Zanpakuto- Spirit: Asahoshi hasa form of a small pixie. She has a simple black dress that is cut above the knee. She has white hair and pale blue eyes. Asashoshi is very direct with Chikako and doesn’t believe in a lot of the flair that her partner adores so much. She really believes that battles should be taken seriously and over with shortly. Asahoshi can be very blunt and to the point.



Inner Zanpakuto- World: The inner world of Asahoshi is large open grass field. There is a lone hill thatAsahoshi likes to sit at and watch the clouds. When Chikako becomes upset or doubtful the world begins to sprout trees everywhere. The worse Chikako feels the larger and thicker the forest becomes. 



Shikai: Chikako starts by holding her sword high and says the release “Shine, Asahoshi” (Kagayaku, Asahoshi)With that the sword changes shape completely to the form of a spear with a long silver handle, a diamond shaped blade and a single jewel below the base of the blade.


Shikai Attacks: Although Asahoshi has no special attacks of its own, it does have a special ability. It is called Sutagyaza (Star gathering) First Chikako charges up a kido attack.Then she lets Asahoshi absorb the kido and holds it in the jewel at the base of the blade. After that Chikako can release the kido attack whenever she wants.However, there are a couple of limitations. It can only hold one kido attack at a time and the stronger the attack, the less time it can be contained within Asahoshi


Bankai: Asahoshi, Ten no Takara(Morning Star, Heaven’s Treasure )


When Chikako activates her bankai her spear begins to glow with the light intensifying until it is blinding. In the instant the light fades her spear as doubled in size to 11 ft and has become a bit thicker. The blade now has a longer shape and the base handle has the diamond edge to it. Under the blade instead of one gem there are three diamonds. 


Banaki Attacks


Now Asahoshi Ten no Takara has upgraded Sutagyaza to Tenrai Sutagyaza (Divine Star Gathering). Tenrai Sutagayaza can hold a single kido for much longer and it can also contain up to three kido at a time. 


Yūgō hoshi (Fusion Star) The new ability exclusive to Ashoshi Ten no Takara allows Chikako to take two kido attacks and fire them simultaneously. This causes the attacks to merge into a much stronger kido attack. Three can be attempted but it is extremely unstable with the attack pattern being hard to predict. Meaning the attack could backfire on the user as well. To use Yūgō hoshi to its fullest Chikako must understand the kido she is fusing together and predict how they will work together. For the most part she usually only fuses two kido at a time. 





Likes Fireworks, plays, movies,and parties


Dislikes Her height, paper work, being ignored


Theme Song Don’t Stop Me Now-Queen


Chikako sends a good portion of her pay to Hana and the kids back in the rugonkai.


There are many times when Chikako will go to the World of the Living to watch a show. She will watch different plays and movies not only for fun, but to get ideas for lines she will use in battle.


When she became a captain,Chikako had Isamu design her haori with secret pockets for candy in case she runs into children.


Chikako likes using kido attacks since she thinks they are like special effect for a performance.


Despite being so energetic, Chikako often sleeps in late most mornings.


Every so often, Chikako will put on shows for anyone in the Seireitei to watch or join. However she is always the lead character.




To an enemy ”Ready for the show to start? Just remember that I am the lead.”


To Shin  ”If all the world is a stage, it just gives me more opportunities to shine like a star.”


To Ryo Kagesaki ”If our squad is going to be famous for anything it might as well be for throwing a great party"


To Shin “Well I may not be as tall as you, but I am always gonna be your sempai.”