

2 years, 28 days ago



name: Cecile Francis Edwins

alias.: Night, CC

birthday: 19/11/1984

birthplace: München

nacionality: Scottish-American

crrnt age: 38 yrs

crrnt location: NYC


gender: Man

prn: he/it


species: Human

ethnicity: half Scottish, half Mexican

blood type: a-

main hand: right

face type: sharp

eye color: L: brown, R: blue

hair color: Blond

hairstyle: Slicked back w a mullet

skintone: white

body type: average

build: Fragile

height: 168cm

wight: 82kg

shoe size: 42cm

birtchmark: N/A

scar: Burn scar, entire lower left side of face

Distinguishing Features: Lacking an eyebrow on the left side of face

He is a piece of shit /j Cecil is very flirty,down to earth with a heart of gold. He is very charming and charitable.

mbti: ENTJ

mood: Content

Attitude: Polite with some sass

Stability: Unstable

Note: When approuched about family, he can be hostile

Expressiveness: Mediocre, it tends to keep to himself

Happy :


Angry: Cecile tends to be somewhat hostile and shout much.

health: Worse than average but not bad.

memory: bad

energy: average

senses: good

allergies: no yes

handicaps: no yes
Chronic pain and fatigue, weak lungs and near-sighted

phobia: no yes
minor autophobia

addiction: no yes
Nicotine addiction

mental disorder: no yes
ADHD, minor autophobia

religion: None; atheist

morals: a roullete wheel

Goals: None specifically

motivation: Eleanore & Andrew

Priority: Lovers

philosophy: Money buys fame and power



traditions: Christian traditions (despite not believing in them)

Partners: Names: Andrew & Eleanore

Marital Status: Dating

how they met: if they have a partner

Love language: love language

Community: how are the pople around them?

Name: parent
Name: friend
Name: collegue

talk about their social life! How do they deal with other people? This box will scroll :) Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non.

family: Name: relative | Name: relative | Name: relative

friends:close friend | Name: friend | Name: friend

hero: Name:

rival: Name:

Reputation: what others think of them?

First Impress.: what others think of them?

Stranger Impress.: what others think of them?

Style: clothing or overwall aesthetic

mode of dress: how they wear they clothes?

Groom: how well they keep themselves?

posture: posture

gait: gait

scent: their natural scent

habits& manneirisms: habit

Wardrobe: describe their clothes

accessories: assec.

trinkets: trinket

Home: describe their house/ appartment/ place they live

funds: $000,00

transportation: car, bus, etc.

most expensive item: a thing

most important item: a necklace, a book etc.

Education: high school, college etc.

IQ: a funky number

stereotype: jock, punk, goth, nerd etc.

grades: 10

degree: linguistisc, mathemathic, computer science

logical.: average

lingu.: high

musical.: low

intra.: average

interp.: low

spatial.: average

kinectic.: high

nature.: low

crrnt job: job

desired job: job

Work Ethnic: how do they perform their work?

Rank: emplyee, boss etc.

income: job

Wealth status: middle, low etc.

experience: job