Ice Quartz



6 years, 5 months ago


"Icee" - Ice Quartz

  • HEIGHT 7'1"
  • AGE 5,600
  • ORIGIN Earth
  • RESIDENCE Gempire City
  • FACTION Black Ice Tactical Support
  • ROLE Soldier
  • WEAPON Cryokinesis
  • VOICE Unknown
  • DANCE Unknown
  • VALUE $12

The Beginning

Factor Eight


Icee is probably the biggest and baddest gem currently on Gem Island. According to him, he thinks he's hot shit and the best thing around as far as he's concerned. Icee is arrogant, aggressive, abrasive, rude, and just plain awful, honestly. But he's 100% loyal to his team and anyone he considers his friend... until they cross him, too.

Icee came from the Earth a true rebel. He is all about freedom and allowing gems to do what they want to do. Or rather, what HE wants himself to do. Despite being somewhat selfish, Icee is a pretty positive guy and will honestly get along well with anyone provided they; can keep up with him, don't try to boss him around in any way shape or form, or aren't from Homeworld hellbent on taking over a planet.

He can be sweet and affectionate and very loyal to those he cares about. As a high spirited character, Icee is pretty fun and joyful the majority of the time. He loves to play and make others laugh, making himself refreshing to be around. Icee pays attention well and can sometimes be a good shoulder to lean on. He doesn't hold grudges that much, either, so if you wrong him he'll give you a second or third or maybe fourth chance, but there IS a limit to his kindness if someone abuses it.

Icee is probably a bit too selfish. He's usually only looking out for number one, aka himself, and does things only if its in his best interest. He loves to have friends, though, so he will do anything to keep them just so he can at least be viewed in a positive light. But... he has a small habit of bossing others around in a way, and will pitch a fit if someone tells HIM what to do! He's all about freedom of speech, as well, and usually that's not in his favor as he tends to not have a filter.

Around five thousand years ago.... Ice Blue Quartz emerged from the Earth. He was formed in the northernmost kindergarten where the land was barren of anything but snow, snow, and more snow. Though the land was empty, the soil was rich and the gems that were produced from the North Pole kindergarten came out as strong Quartz soldiers, with an added bonus of specialty powers of manipulating the cold stuff they were created around! Ice Blue Quartz and his siblings were perfect specimens for the ongoing war that ravaged the planet and not too long after they came into existence... they were ordered to begin training so that they could fight for Homeworld.

But this Ice Blue Quartz didn't exactly take kindly to being ordered to do something. No matter how insistent the Agates in charge of the kindergarten would be, Icee flat out refused to follow their orders. He'd run off and go play in the snow, slack off every chance he got, cause mischeif with the other, obedient Quartzes, and just want to have fun and do what HE wanted to do. His behavior was seen as a huge inconvenience to the Homeworld gems as they further tried to control him. The more they pushed, the harder he pushed back, and eventually Icee started to try and convince his Quartz family to go against their orders as well. But they were too stubborn and too loyal.

Eventually, the members of the kindergarten seemed to have enough of his rebellious antics. They captured Icee and they were about to take extreme measures and break him for defecting against them, but then something incredible happened! The rebels that he'd heard about finally came to the North Pole kindergarten! And with their arrival, they came in with a bang and attacked the Homeworld gems before they were ready for them. This Ice Quartz was quick to call for their help in promise to aid them in defeating Homeworld. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, right?

One of the most memorable gems he'd met that day was one Poppy Jasper with a gem for a nose. After she and her team literally blew up the North Pole kindergarten, he joined up with her and her team to go after more Homeworld bases. Icee followed Poppy Jasper's group for a while but once he started learning of more of the 'Crystal Gem' rebels and more places to go to and explore, he eventually went off in his own direction.

During his own adventures Icee soon came across the leader of the rebellion as well, and though she was seemingly in charge of all of the other rebels in a sense she was kind enough to not order him around. What he did was his own desire, after all, and Icee ended up highly respecting the individual known as Rose Quartz. While he loitered around her and her gang, he met two other gems who were under her care; one Citrine and one Amethyst. Together they were a fun pair of gems to go on missions and things with, though no doubt Icee was third wheeling pretty hard by the end. That is, until they completed their fusion training and became Ametrine!

Of course Icee had even more fun with following Ametrine around on missions! But eventually time went by too fast and she was pulled away by her duties to go to other places and by his own desires he was pulled away to go in another direction. Unfortunately after a short while of being off on his own, Icee ended up meeting his fate and getting himself caught in a situation he couldn't get out of. He was attacked by a fire-based gem and was poofed and captured. Ironically the very same gem was attacked later and his bubble was lost, later to be collected and stored with other bubbled gems and trophies.

  • Hugs and Warmth
  • Polar Bears and Dogs
  • Soft/Fluffy Things
  • Pastries and Cake!
  • Having a Good Time
  • Complainers and Killjoys
  • Bossy People
  • Homeworld
  • Extremely Hot Things
  • Elsa/Frozen References

  • Icee is an expert in hand to hand combat and mixing it along with his power to be one powerful force to be reckoned with.
  • He's a really good swimmer.
  • He's very talented in getting himself in trouble...?
  • Able to create ice substances out of nothing.
  • Able to use existing water or liquids sources to make larger and more powerful ice substances.
  • Able to control ice substances!
  • Very strong and durable.
  • Icee has MANY flaws. He is Cruel, Dishonest, Egotistical, Judgemental, Sadistic, Unpredictable, Untrustworthy, Rebellious, Impatient, and maybe more!
  • It is extremely difficult for him to get along with others with all his unlikable traits.
  • Icee fights dirty and he isn't afraid to hurt others to make it out on top.
  • Icee is very quick to automatically assume the worst about anyone in any given situation. He's always got "theories".
  • Power is limited to resources around him. He can only make small things out of nothing but if he wants to pack a real punch he needs a water source at least 15 feet away.
  • Ice is affected by everything that normal ice would be. (ie: melt under extreme heat, cant freeze vibrations, ice is shatterable)
  • NOT powerful enough to create snowstorms or any type of weather.


Snowflake Obsidian
[Ice Quartz x Pyrolusite]


  • Icee LOVES bears. Like a lot. Polarbears the most. He actually has a polar bear family he visits from time to time, not that he'd tell anyone about it!
  • Icee will only eat food if it has some kind of frosting on it. Doesn't matter what flavor of frosting it is, he'll take it. Just. Because.
  • Icee's name came from Poppy Jasper! When she had found him she gave him the silly nickname and he adopted it as his official name.
  • He's 100% Gem Island's resident Conspiracy Theorist.

Artist Notes

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Character Credits

Code by Aurorean