


8 years, 9 months ago


I want to make things right again...

【Name】 Lumix
【Age】 Ancient
【Gender】 Nonbinary (he/him)
【Species】 Mesprit
【Status 】 Traveler
【Residence】 Desert Area
【Theme】 ♪♫♬

Lumix traveled from Lake Verity to the desert outskirts. They grew tired of the water and the trees, and yearned for a change of scenery. The bustling desert crowd drew them in and decided to settle down for a little while. Of course, not without drawing in a crowd.

Moving in...

Their legendary status attracted a crowd. His stay also attracted tourists and visitors. People lined up outside his residence waiting to give offerings or come in hopes of getting their wishes granted. His house soon became a mansion, filled with some of the most luxurious gifts and trinkets. Pillows, tapestries, rugs, ornaments, and gold jewelry decorated the house. Many visitors came in for romantic advice or romantic wishes since Lumix is the legendary pokemon of emotions after all. But he is no genie or a Jirachi, a wish maker; all he could do is give advice to the best of his abilities.

They enjoyed the attention and love, but quickly, they became annoyed with the situation. Lumix started to put up rules and regulations, they missed their free time, so any visitor must first make an appointment.

A disturbance...

Getting ready for his beauty sleep, he heard the voice of the townsmen rise. Peering out his window, he saw the ocean of people divide and one sigular blue figure in the divide. Ice shards grew from the sand. Impossible.


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  • Personality traits: Sensitive | Charismatic | Lively
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