


8 years, 9 months ago



related to oseye

  • oseye and hasina are sisters; when oseyes powers develop, her family disowns her and oseye and hasina lose contact
  • hasina dates a man named matt--he gets her pregnant after a few months of dating. they stay together for a few more months, but break up before asha is born. matt is never really around but he and asha have an ok ish relationship
  • during puberty (15), ashley's mutation develops. hasina recognizes oseye's mutation and believes it is her fault that this has happened to asha. being anti-mutant, hasina sends asha off to live with oseye and transfers guardianship to her
  • being very obviously mutated, asha is forced to register and attend x's school
  • attends only long enough to learn basic control of her powers before returning home
  • oseye continues to teach asha to hone her abilities, and helps her choose her name 'melia'
  • asha sometimes does modeling gigs with oseye but generally doesnt do public appearances like oseye does

THE MELIAI (Meliae) were the Oread-nymphs of mountain ash-tree, born of Gaia (Gaea, the Earth) when she was impregnated by the blood of the castrated Ouranos (Uranus, the Sky).

They were the wives of the Silver Race of Man and mothers of the Bronze, the third generation of mankind. They nursed their sons on the honey-sap (Greek meli) of the ash, and armed them with spears crafted from the wood of their trees (Greek melia). The Bronze were an overly warlike race who incurred the wrath of Zeus and were destroyed in the floods of the Great Deluge.

The Meliai were probably the same as the honey-nymph (meliai) nurses of the god Zeus--Ida and Adrasteia. The manna (meli) of the ash and the honey (meli) of bees were both thought to be ambrosial foods rained down from the stars of heaven. In Hesiod's Theogony the Meliai were born alongside the Erinyes--avengers of the castrated Ouranos--and the Gigantes. The latter appear to be the Kouretes (Curetes), the male guardians of the infant Zeus. As children born of Heaven's castration, it is appropriate that the Meliai and their brothers would have some role to play in the downfall of the perpetrator Kronos (Cronus).

The Meliai were also probably identified with the Hekaterides and Kabeirides (Cabeirides), sister-wives of the Kouretes, Daktyloi and Kabeiroi.

she can control plants
she can probably photosynthesyze a bit
the skin that is covered in bark is kinda like an armor? it reacts and cover skin to protect her
oseye always has half her face bark and can grow more; asha's forearms and legs are always bark

  • very self conscious of her mutation; models because she wants to be empowered and experience self-acceptance like oseye, but cant seem to
  • wants to be cured and be human again
  • used to be a beauty/make up blogger but stopped uploading bc her hands :'(