Eira Fontanella



8 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info


Eira Fontanella


20years Old


6th February



Relationship Status







"Forgive me, but i think you'll find the cattle shed is that way... Oh, Is that not where you are going? You sure look like a filthy swine..."

 Design for the deviantart group Level-X-Up, a loosely based roleplay group based on "Is it wrong to pick girls up in a dungeon?"

Combat Statistics

Level: 1
Class: Warrior- Knight
Familia: Eros (Aether,Dionysus)
Job: Inn Maid
Weapon: Oracles Light, A lightweight double edged sword

Snowflake "Umbra Cutis Sanctuarium" An Ancient prayer that temporarily creates either a cloak of invisibility or makes the skin impenetrable in the form of black scales with purple edging. Only lasts for a few seconds.
Deia's Cut
Snowflake Draws enemies into a circle around the sword bearer, allowing them to make a deep cut into all enemies within a small radius.
Prophets Blade
Snowflake A running ability that launches the sword bearer into the air to crash on-top of the enemies and deliver a deep blow.
Sanctum Sacrifice
Snowflake A finishing strike that draws energy from the sword bearer through the crystal casting a light blue light as the sword makes contact with the foe.

Arrow left Arrow left HP: 14
Dot Bullet (Red) - F2U!  Vitality 2
Dot Bullet (Red) - F2U!  Strength 3
Dot Bullet (Red) - F2U! Magic 0
Dot Bullet (Red) - F2U! Agility 1
Dot Bullet (Red) - F2U! Dexterity 3
Dot Bullet (Red) - F2U! Charm 1



Bullet; White Sharp tonguedBullet; White Tsundere/ViolentBullet; White LoyalBullet; White CalmBullet; White DeterminedBullet; White PlayfulBullet; White 
Eira’s personality often changes dependant on the person and situation. To most people, Eira appears unruly and arrogant. Her demeanour and sharp tongue tends to cast a negative outlook on herself as well as her wariness and hostility to men. Many people mistake her attitude as if she has a hime/kami-complex, believing she is above everyone else and deserves to be worshiped. However she does this in the vain hope to ward off those who cannot handle her attitude as she thinks it may filter out those who would make satisfactory comrades on the battlefield. If you get on the wrong side of her, her bottled up anger is quick to disarm you with a sharp tongue, a violent stance and crude comments. While she is working, she also takes on a different personality. She appears feisty and playful, often teasing the drunks that swamp the inn at night challenging them to one of her manipulative games with her sleight of hand. On the other hand, she makes a loyal friend-although it may be a bit hard to reach this level of a relationship with her.  She is loving, kind and radiates a calming aura(except when a man monster escapes her clutches) be it in casual situations or deep within a dungeon. Nonetheless her sharp tongue is here to stay, be it towards friend or foe, her lack of control over it often sees her fumbling over her words before announcing a brash statement that she hardly means at all.  



Eira was born into a religious family that guarded the shrine of Khione high in the winter Mountains. She was born on a cold winter’s day and is the only surviving triplet- meaning the only child and successor of the Fontanella family. Her parents believed that she was blessed by the Goddess Khione of Snow and allowed her to live while her other siblings perished to the cold. Although they believed the Goddess had blessed them, her parents took the loss of her two siblings harshly and became austere pushing her to succeed wherever possible. She was subject to countless rituals and grooming in the hope that she would bring fortune back upon her family and the shrine.

Eira excelled in the refineries she was put though. She became musically advanced and a graceful dancer. She helped manage the many prayers and wrote replies of encouragement in her lavish handwriting. She recited verses and prose in the evenings to entertain the shrines many guests from the tender age of ten years old. For her whole life, she had been presented as an object of curiosity, a lucky charm. Merely an object in her strict stoic parent’s eyes, she cancelled out feelings of emotion and sentiment in an attempt to mimic them. However there was one thing that brought joy to her soul that she could not stop. From her living quarters, across the court yard, young men gathered every day to train in the hope they may join a familia. Arrows shot across the grounds and swords clanged together. By the time Eira had turned 12years old, she began to play with swords and join in on the young men’s antics. For the first time ever, Eira had found something she had to work hard at to even be at a mediocre level.

As she developed into a beautiful young woman her ability began to improve. No longer did the men swing playfully but full on duels took place most afternoons. This was the only time Eira did not feel objectified; almost as if she was free from the constraints that were placed on her. Nevertheless this was about to change.

Shortly before her nineteenth birthday, a young man of Noble decent approached the shrine of Khione. Her parents saw an opportunity that may bring them the fortune they have so desperately hoped for.  Eira was dressed in traditional clothes, her hair neatly tied up and set to perform as if she was a circus animal for the young man every night. Weeks passed and he showed no interest. Out of exasperation and frustration Eira stormed out one night with a sword in tow and began battering a dummy in the courtyard. The young man stood aloof in awe of the young girl swinging a sword in the night air. Things were set to change. A month later the seeds of romance had been sewn and a promising relationship had bloomed. All seemed perfect at the Khione shrine. However small things started to surface.

It started with the young man’s desire for her to dress more appropriately of a young woman. She laid down her sword willingly, danced and sang freely. Slowly Eira unknowingly became the empty shell that her parents had trained her for. Blind she let go of her own desires to satisfy everyone else around her, even the man she believed to love. Still time went by and soon she was betrothed to the young man and her fate as a noblemans wife was nearing. But once again things were about to change.

One autumnal morning, the young man suddenly disappeared. No word or trace was left behind except the empty shell Eira had become. Grey and empty, she was haunted by her mislaid trust and willingness to bend even though it would break her. But her sadness quickly became anger and desperation.

                “Why did you have to leave?”

One day she awoke and packed her bags, although her parents campaigned against her leaving out of fear of loosing their only child. But there was no stopping her and she swiftly departed Khione’s shrine and made her way to the city, Nero. On her arrival, she found a job as an inns maid, changing bed linen and serving drinks in the bar with crude playfulness. Her sharp tongue served her well, avoiding grief at every corner. She felt cold and angry, far from the temperament she possessed as a child. Her personality became warped, unaware of who she was and without real direction. Any spare minute she had, she took her anger out on a small wooden dummy that laid battered in the back yard. Many may think this was a change for the worst, but Eira was determined to restore herself to the way she should have been.

                “Perhaps it may snow again and purify my tormented heart…”


Likes and Dislikes

Yellow-Green Bullet - F2U!  Playing the Harp
Yellow-Green Bullet - F2U! Making Cream cakes
Yellow-Green Bullet - F2U! Cats and Kittens
Yellow-Green Bullet - F2U! Foxes
Yellow-Green Bullet - F2U! Snow
Yellow-Green Bullet - F2U! Her Sword, Oracles Light
Yellow-Green Bullet - F2U! Reading lewd fiction

Rose Red Bullet - F2U!  Lazy people
Rose Red Bullet - F2U! Men (Greatly distrusts them)
Rose Red Bullet - F2U! Sushi
Rose Red Bullet - F2U! Non-fiction Books


Snowflake Currently no relationships Snowflake 
~Open to develop relationships and ships! Send me a note or something heh heh heh...~


Snowflake Eira was taught to play many instruments but likes playing the harp the most.
Snowflake She gets annoyed quickly, especially if a monster escapes her and her sword.
Snowflake When she is alone she likes to dress up in her traditional robes and dance around her room.
Snowflake She adores her job as a maid, especially when tormenting the drunks in the bar at night with her games.
Snowflake She can sing very well but hides it as she thinsk it attracts unwanted attention.
Snowflake Her Hair at the ends are tinted icy blue to remind her of the snow at home.
Snowflake Her siblings that died were named Yuuki and Alaska, the triplets names all relate to snow.

Snowflake Eira is right handed.
Snowflake Her sword, Oracles Light, was bought by herself with all of her savings from her job. The travelling merchant said he had unearthed it in an old abandoned shrine deep into the wintery mountains. 
Snowflake Eira had a deep fascination and connection with snow. Her parents often excused her from classes to freely play in the snow, as they thought it was gift from Khione to Eira.

Snowflake"Hey... Hold on...Watch it you *****!"
Snowflake"Why would I require assistance from someone like you?"
Snowflake"Would you like to play a game?"*winks*
Snowflake"Humph...You are mistaken... I merely wanted some coffee, not to spend time with you"

Snowflake"You are too weak for me to consider as a comrade"
Snowflake"Don't you think you belong with the cattle ready for slaughter?"//slays monster

RP Method/Contact:
Comments: Of course!
Notes: Good for me
Skype: Ask me first
Chat: If i am around
Email: Also good for me
Other: Open to anything!
Arrow leftOpen to Ships heh heh...