Griffith "August" Clemonte



2 years, 4 months ago


Griffith "August" Clemonte

  • AGE 18
  • RACE French/Romanian
  • PRONOUNS He/him

Griffith August Clemonte is an incredibly talented hedge witch attending the same school as Steven. A year older than Steven, he goes by August and is commonly followed around by a fox spirit that followed him over the hedge. He is constantly testing the boundaries of what his powers will allow him to do. August ends up casting a spell that partly mutilates his hands, turning them dark with eyes all over them. These eyes allow him to see in the hedge, rather than rely solely on his sense of touch and magical sense.


August grew up in an incredibly prestigious and strict household where his parents held him to incredibly high standards. He was thrown into magical studies at an early age and after being enrolled in the prestigious Anksten Academy, eventually turned to hedge magic as an escape.


Duis ut aliquam massa. Ut ultrices ex erat, nec porttitor libero condimentum nec. Praesent auctor arcu nibh, eu vulputate nulla molestie consequat. Vivamus dapibus varius nisi, vel laoreet nisl volutpat id. Curabitur semper purus eu arcu elementum, non rhoncus nisl rutrum.


  • Reading
  • Windy, Overcast Weather
  • Foxes

  • Sweet foods
  • His parents
  • Small spaces

  • Sed elementum massa sit amet odio dictum auctor.
  • Sed cursus urna at lectus iaculis efficitur.
  • Etiam nisl enim, euismod eu tempor nec, fermentum id neque.
Character Name

Maecenas iaculis sagittis quam vel feugiat. Morbi porttitor ligula metus, id scelerisque risus varius at. Sed non urna sed odio blandit fermentum eu vel dolor.

Character Name

Maecenas iaculis sagittis quam vel feugiat. Morbi porttitor ligula metus, id scelerisque risus varius at. Sed non urna sed odio blandit fermentum eu vel dolor.

Character Name

Maecenas iaculis sagittis quam vel feugiat. Morbi porttitor ligula metus, id scelerisque risus varius at. Sed non urna sed odio blandit fermentum eu vel dolor.