Emika Diago



2 years, 4 months ago


Emika Diago
Basic Info
Name Emika Diago

Alias Deja Vu

Birthday August 28

Age 15

Gender Female

Height 4'11

Hair Color Rose Gold

Eye Color Green

Blood Type A

Quirk Time Control

Occupation Student

Affiliation UA Student

Status Alive

Fighting Style Info

  • Shave ice
  • Lavender/Lavender scented
  • Summer
  • Content
  • Content
  • Content
  • Failure
  • Mess/Clutter
  • Close spaces
  • Hospitals
  • Content
  • Content
Quirk: Time Control

Emika is able to manipulate time to her desire. She is able to freeze/pause, play, fastforward, rewind or even loop on half of the day itself or 12 hours on a person/object. A key sign that her quirk is activated, her eyes will both turn into face of a clock, depending on the move she uses, the hands of the clock will act for that ability. .

  • Freeze/Pause - Emika is able to freeze or pause time for 12 hours maximum. This could be used on the day or a person/object to her liking. Emika's eyes that would be look like the face of a clock, the hands (minute, hour and second) would all be frozen until the hold is off.
  • Fastfoward -Emika is able to fastfoward time for 12 hours maximun. This could be use on the day or a person/object of her liking. Emika's eyes that would look like the face of a clock, the hands (minute, hour, and second) would all be speedly going round and round until the hold is off.
  • Rewind - Emika is able to rewind time for 12 hours maximun. This could be use on the day or a person/object of her liking. Emika's eyes that would look like the face of the clock, the hands (minute, hour, and second) would all go counterclockwise until the hold is off.
  • Loop - Emika is able to loop time for 12 hours macimun. This could be use on the day or a person/object of her liking. Emika's eyes that would look like the face of clock, the hands (minute, hour, and second) who tick forward before going counter clockwise and the pattern would repeat until the hold is off. .
  • General/For all -Using any ability of her quirk, causes an aging effect on her. If she uses her quirk for the max hours, her lifespan does get cut shorter and short and signs of aging will begin to show innerwarly and outerwarly (example gettin gray/white hair, wrinkles, slower body movement, arthritis etc). She must use her quirk for a small amount of time if she doesn't want that side effect.
  • Freeze/Pause - With Emika's quirk there is a cooling down time to take in consideration, depending on how long she uses it, the cool down time doubles. For example, if she's uses the quirk for the maximun of 12 hours, then her cool down time would be 24 hours. Another side effect to her quirk there is a high chance for time ripples and butterfly effects. If trying to change an event that happens could lead to worse outcome each time Emika tries to change it before having to let whatever happen be how original was suppose to go, this can also lead to stress and trauma for Emika.
  • Fastfoward -With Emika's quirk there is a cooling down time to take in consideration, depending on how long she uses it, the cool down time doubles. For example, if she's uses the quirk for the maximun of 12 hours, then her cool down time would be 24 hours. Another side effect to her quirk there is a high chance for time ripples and butterfly effects. If trying to change an event that happens could lead to worse outcome each time Emika tries to change it before having to let whatever happen be how original was suppose to go, this can also lead to stress and trauma for Emika.
  • Rewind -With Emika's quirk there is a cooling down time to take in consideration, depending on how long she uses it, the cool down time doubles. For example, if she's uses the quirk for the maximun of 12 hours, then her cool down time would be 24 hours. Another side effect to her quirk there is a high chance for time ripples and butterfly effects. If trying to change an event that happens could lead to worse outcome each time Emika tries to change it before having to let whatever happen be how original was suppose to go, this can also lead to stress and trauma for Emika.
  • Loop -With Emika's quirk there is a cooling down time to take in consideration, depending on how long she uses it, the cool down time doubles. For example, if she's uses the quirk for the maximun of 12 hours, then her cool down time would be 24 hours. Another side effect to her quirk there is a high chance for time ripples and butterfly effects. If trying to change an event that happens could lead to worse outcome each time Emika tries to change it before having to let whatever happen be how original was suppose to go, this can also lead to stress and trauma for Emika.
Super Moves
  • Super Move - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.

Emika is an intelligent, practical, patient, reliable teen with good communication skills. She has an easy time making friends with and joining social circles, whether she means to or not. Emika is also a hard working girl to reach her goals or dreams she has, and won’t rest until they are accomplish. She also understanding, and organize. However, Emika has a hard time making decisions, taking a long time to come to a conclusion for something. Emika also tends to get embarrassing fairly easily from her answering a question wrong to second hand embarrassment. She also is tends to get highly stress and worry and does keep her stress and worries to herself until she bursts and overthinks almost everything. Due to her being stress and worry does make her to be uptight feeling its a bit harder to let loose.


  • Though Emika has a very powerful quirk, she hugely nervous to use it most of time. She will not use her quirk unless she has to.
  • She prefer working in team or a group than completely alone.
  • Emika owns and wears a pocketwatch necklace.
  • Emika pucks out any gray/white hair she finds, even though she believes in the old saying 'puck a gray hair out, seven will grow in its place.' She just hates seeing signs of old age.
  • Emika's born from a forbidden love between a former pro hero and former villian (more so her older siblings, by the time she was born her parents were happily wed), which she is highly embarrass of.
  • Bakugo had given Emika's one of his 'special' nicknames, dubbing her "clock face" due to her eyes changing into clocks when her quirk is activated and her face is on the rounder side like a clock.
Sachiko Fukuda Best Friends/ Childhood Friends

Emika and Sachiko had been best friends since the two of them were in elementary school. The two of them stuck together like glue once Sachiko was the one that introduce herself to Emika. The two girls placed a lot of trust into one another.

Seki Suzuki Best Friends

Emika and Seki friendship started back in middle sharing class together on their second year along side Sachiko. Both of them got along fairly well as Emika was always interested in Seki's drawings and both relating of fearing their own quirks, but desire to use it for good!In fact the two of them work together for the hero entrance exam to enter the school.
