[$35 / OTA] "Wraith"



2 years, 1 month ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)
For Offer

Basic Info












1.73 m.


Roughly 20 kg.


Strength 9 ||| Perception 1 ||| Endurance 9 ||| Charisma 3 ||| Intelligence 6 ||| Agility 8 ||| Luck 4

Preferred Weapons

Melee weapons, preferring baseball bats and knives. Is not fond with guns at all.

Best Traits

Sly, thoughtful and attentive. Has always an eye on her companion/s. Has quick reflexes. Somewhat agile. Can only be brought down for good if she's beheaded, otherwise she'll be standing up again, no matter if you pierce her body with bullets or throw her from the highest hill in the Wasteland. Is able to create melee weapons with almost anything, showing great imagination for this matter, but as long as she has the proper materials.


Is mostly unable to talk aside from gesture language and some single words. Poor motor skills and erratic movements. Often uses bandages to compress her limbs in order to have a bit more control over her body. She doesn't sleep, but spaces out often. Moody at best. Sometimes her behavior is weird as well. Due to the hazmat helmet's night vision function, and the fact that she can't take the suit off, her sight during the day is bright enough as for it to impair her a bit; this makes her more efficient in dark environments, and causes bright lights to blind her.


None. Pretty much, if you mess with her, she'll mess with you. However, she seems to dislike being in the presence of molerats, feral ghouls, supermutants and raiders. As she also has known about the Institute's synths, it can't be said she likes them at all neither. She's only ok about the Brotherhood of Steel because of Christine Royce, who she spent little time with.


[USD (can haggle but don't lowball) >>>>> WRITTEN NARRATIONS / ART (illustrations and sketch pages prefered) >>>>>>>>>> CUSTOM CHARACTERS >>>>>>>>>> TRADE (HQ or with already existing art and/or lore) >>>>>>>>>>>>>> NITRO/CORE MEMBERSHIP]

[Do NOT offer Gift Cards, DA Points, Robux or Voucher]

Although she does not say a word -sometimes she tries-, and her behavior can be strange at times, added to her obvious relationship with the ghosts of the Sierra Madre, it would be a huge mistake to see her as an animal without a brain. Or even as a typical feral ghoul.
It's unknown how she has kept her head on her place, perhaps because she's really not as old as anyone could think, but it's also said that it's her anger and own objectives what keep her sane and focused. Even when the word "sane" wouldn't be the most appropriate sometimes.
She's sly as a fox, observant, analytical, somewhat vindictive, and her general demeanor leans between sarcastic and moody.  Prefers to have company that she can get support from, but she's more independent than anything and would prefer not to interact too much with people, as she appreciates her living space.
It's also noticeable that her condition has led her to a state of ennui over time (to tell the truth, it's not like she has much time perception herself anyway).
Her inability to speak and even breath, her lack of motor skills, and the fact that it might not be a good idea for her to take off her hazmat suit, joined to constant reminders that she might not even even alive anymore, have taken a toll on her in some way. She has often described her conscience and casual impulsiveness as if "there was a permanent mist clouding her head as well by times", and she also has gotten to point out by writting that "she wish she could be so ignorant of herself as the rest of the ghosts that roam the villa as, perhaps, then she'd have the peace of mind that having none of that gives".
Her seeming meekness causing most people to forget there's a person under her clothes, to treat her like a sideshow monkey, doesn't help at all.

She's somewhat hyperactive, and doesn't handle sitting around with her arms crossed very well. She's also quite creative, whether it's crafting manual weapons that can deal the most possible damage, or being a pain in the balls to people she's sworn to.

Her motto in general is to ignore people she doesn't know, as long as she gets ignored too.

Sometimes she has a certain agoraphobia, especially when alone, this being an almost instinctive trait; as well as being a night owl.

She takes verbal teasing and sexual innuendos as almost an insult (if anyone is even sick enough to try to pick on ghost people).