


2 years, 23 days ago


{ aster’web }

pastureclan warrior
they/them, 16 moons

aster’web is the younger sibling of the medic skip’wave and the warrior web’chime. they were given their warrior name in honor of their brother web who, at the time, was missing and presumed dead. aster is generally a confident, outgoing cat who speaks their mind and doesn’t care what others are saying. they are very close to their siblings, though, and during the time web was missing, aster didn’t speak much, keeping close to skip and helping out in the gardens and with sick and injured cats. they have a lot of medical knowledge because of this, though they continue as a warrior.

web disappeared in the middle of aster’s apprenticeship, out of nowhere and with no reason why. he only came back recently, too quiet and closed off, and aster is fiercely protective of him now (and has been of skip since web disappeared) and gets in fights often defending him. aster was forbidden from leaving camp almost a moon ago camp due to arguing with laurel’star at a gathering (well, really arguing with pearl’kindle while laurel tried to deescalate and save face in front of the other clans.) they’d argued when laurel had mentioned web’s disappearance and that he was probably dead, insisting he was still out there. the next day after being bound to camp, web returned.

aster’s signature flower is, surprisingly, not asters. rather, they’re associated with marigolds.