Golden Karmots



2 years, 1 month ago


Golden karmots(Aka ‘Goldens’) are a subspecies of Karmot.

Goldens are a fairly common type of karmot. Often Goldens are tall and slender with wings, long ears, a long tail, and may have scaly bird-like extremities. However, these traits are not all necessary for a golden karmot, one living in the community with one or none of these traits may be called golden. However purebred Goldens are more likely to have more/all of these common traits.

Goldens are usually quite religious, their king or queen being seen as a physical manifestation of their god on the planet. Goldens don’t all have golden markings on their fur, but like to wear golden clothes or jewellery.

They have a mixed past with other types, having slight conflict in the past with Steel karmots especially, claiming they were digging up their precious artefacts. However nowadays most are peaceful and respectful of other types, with only a few holding onto any resentment.

Their technology is advanced, having electricity, fully furnished modern homes and cars, as well as clothing. They’re the most advanced generally among all types.