Steel karmots



2 years, 1 month ago


Steel karmots(aka steels) are a subspecies of karmot.

Steels live in or around caves and mines, using the resources they uncover from ancient predecessors who fell victim to the asteroid which wiped out much of the planet’s population. They build their homes on the walls of or around the openings of caves, to avoid bad weather and historically to avoid attacks from golden karmots, who wanted the artefacts they were uncovering for their religious rituals. The conflict has long been resolved but many are still wary of other groups(goldens in particular) and continue to build their homes high up. Steels are some of the toughest and most hostile karmots of all the groups, sometimes being cold and unfriendly to visitors and passer bys, but the newer generation is more and more accepting and curious of the outside world.

Due to the dangerous nature of their lifestyle of climbing cave walls with little protection, serious injuries and death is very common among steels. Due to this, they have adapted to have incredible immune systems and heal very very quickly, surviving losing limbs and even other more essential body parts which are replaced with metal parts, found and crafted in the cavernous areas where they reside.

Steels are often quite short and stocky, but also quite muscular. Their claws are retractable and long to help in digging and climbing. It’s thought that the steels are ancestors of stone karmots who moved away from the water, meaning many have fairly plain, naturally coloured coats. However since then, there is a lot more diversity due to breeding with members from other groups, so not all steels necessarily have plain coats. Some living further in the caves may develop better night vision, but this makes their eyesight in the world above worse. Steels having mechanical, metal ‘cyborg’ body parts is extremely common, these parts replacing body parts they may have lost or enhancing their ability to climb and get around in the caves. However, these traits are not all necessary for a steel karmot, one living in the community with one or none of these traits may be called steel. However purebred Steels are more likely to have more/all of these common traits.