Wind karmots



2 years, 1 month ago


Wind karmots(aka winds) are a subspecies of karmot.

Winds are the rarest of all karmot types. Technically any karmot who is nomadic and moves from place to place, regardless of physical features, may be classed as a wind, but a number of these nomadic karmots are biological wind karmots, their ancestors being that way for all of known history. Often these karmots will live entirely alone or with a partner/small family. Many travel using a carriage drawn by an animal but more recently some use cars or trucks.

They may be researchers/scientists or other academics, but some travel in order to sell goods to different groups or just travelling for the sake of it. Wind karmots are usually very intelligent but very peaceful and respectful, and due to this many different groups are willing to aid them and give them temporary food and shelter(even the more hostile steel karmots). Often winds will show their gratitude with gifts they picked up along their journey that aren’t commonly found in the area.

Wind karmots can look like any karmot, as anyone from any group can choose to leave their home and move around from place to place, but karmots from the oldest line of winds can often by identified by their very tall, slim frame. They have the longest nose, ears and tail of any type and may have hooves or regular paws. However, these traits are not all necessary for a wind  karmot, one  with one or none of these traits may be called wind. However purebred Winds are more likely to have more/all of these common traits.