Clayfolk Design Mastersheet



1 year, 11 months ago


Clayfolk inhabit Isclynn, a world of floating islands suspended over an infinite void.  They are similar to humans, but have a few distinct differences, most of which tie back to their magical origins.

Clayfolk are born by way of a special ritual performed by their parents.  The ritual involves shaping a child out of clay, engraving a meaningful symbol on their back, and using a magical spring to bring them to life.  The symbol becomes the first sylable of the child's true name.  A Clayfolk gains more sylables (often shortened to syls) down their spine as they grow and mature.  Since this true name is central to a Clayfolk's selfhood (and said to make it easier for someone who knows it to curse you), they keep their backs covered.  They also choose or are given casual names that they can use safely with others.

Once brought to life, a Clayfolk's body has bones, organs, and all of the squishy bits that come with being alive.  Due to the way they are born, though, Clayfolk do not possess reproductive organs or a biological sex (or belly buttons, for that matter).  They do have a concept of gender, but it's a fluid thing that has more to do with presentation than anything else.  As such, any combination of genders can have children, including groups of 3+ and singles.  Since genetics aren't a factor, children can look nothing like their parents, but there's usually at least some resemblance.

This also means that Clayfolk aren't strictly limited to human characteristics.  There are three categories of Clayfolk that are regular sights in Isclynn: Plainfolk, which look completely human except for their pointed ears; Beastfolk, which resemble anthro mammals or (more rarely) birds; and Midfolk, who exibit features that lie somewhere in between.  (Basically elves, furries, and tieflings.)  Brightfolk, the fourth category, are animals who possess true names, granting them intelligence and the ability to speak.  These arise naturally from the sacred clay along with the other animals of Isclynn, but only very rarely.  They tend to be loners who prefer to live in the wild.

Clayfolk skin and hair color spans about the same range as humans, but also includes slightly more saturated warm tones.  Their eye colors can be anything on or beyond the rainbow, but always have solid colored irises and white sclera (unless based on an animal that breaks those rules).  Round pupils are the most common, but other pupil shapes pop up now and then, especially in Beastfolk.

Lastly, Clayfolk are short, with an average adult height of 4'10".  Beastfolk based on big animals tend to be a bit taller, and vice versa, but this isn't always true.