


2 years, 1 month ago


Appearence: Gold and pink with rainbow accents

Name: Roseate

Tribe: Silkwing

Pronouns: She/her

Sexuality: Pansexual

Birthday/Age: June 24th, 8 (dragon years)

Occupation: Makes fancy silk scarves for higher-class dragons.

Personality: A Silkwing of few words, though she can often be seen at parties. While she enjoys going out and being a social butterfly, she has a hard time making conversation.

Backstory: Born and raised in the Jewl Hive, she grew up surrounded and enthralled by the artistic and musical culture of the hive. When she was younger she was interested in painting, though was soon dragged away from any hope of taking up a job for it because her family was known for having very high quality silk.

One day while she was at a party, she ran into the planner of said party, Chrysiridia. She was swept up by his charms and after the party, started talking more. Roseate learned that he, too, was a very lonely dragon when parties were over, and they ended up bonding over this fact.

Additional Info: Roseate may be falling in love with Chrysiridia.