Aome Deguchi



2 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info


Aome Deguchi






5'2"/158 cm




Garfield Necktie


Breaking Things


October 12th




Aome is an intense person who expresses her emotions with great fervor, scream sobbing when upset, laughing so hard she launches herself into a coughing fit, and punching holes through tables to kill flies. Aome is kind to most people, trying to put on a facade of professionalism when working with customers, but her behavior and lack of a filter reveals her true nature rather quickly.


Sure Aome sucks ass at just about everything she tries, but she always puts her entire soul into everything she does. She dislikes being a burden to other people and mostly makes blunders out of obliviousness. Even if someone begged her to stop out of a desire to put out a fire properly, Aome insists her help is needed and starts trying to put said fire out with her bare hands.


Because of Aome’s peculiar upbringing, she never learned to question the parts of her life that didn’t make sense or the things that were going wrong. She believed what she was told by the people she trusted and became someone incapable of identifying a solution to her problems. Aome is the kind of person that continuously does things her own way and apologizes when it negatively affects someone else, while more or less ignoring/forgetting criticism.


Born to a pair of thieves, Aome’s parents choose to hide their illicit activities with steadily more ridiculous lies. For example, they told Aome she needed glasses and insisted they would one day find the right lens strength for her, but for now, it’d be best if she continued to wear the intense prescription they had given her. In reality, Aome has 20/20 vision and her parents wanted to hide that they were hotwiring cars and pick pocketing, all of which they would do in front of her. Another lie they often told her was that the weight of her clothing was normal, when in reality it was heavily weighted to train Aome’s strength so that she would be able to defend herself if the worst were to occur.

Their elaborate falsehoods succeeded in hiding their thieving from Aome and she lived blissfully unaware. She had a mostly average childhood where she went to school and had positive relationships with the other children. There were only brief hiccups in which her parents would be taken into custody, but Aome had gotten used to taking care of herself during these periods of time.

However, following stealing a fancy sports car belonging to a famous socialite with a rare diamond inside, they were captured by the police and subjected to an intense interrogation involving torture to reveal the location of the diamond, which they had no knowledge of. This torture proved to be ineffective, as it got so intense it wiped their memory and set their mental age back to 18. Newly reborn as 40 year old teenagers, Aome’s parents forgot about her existence and expressed hostile confusion at seeing this stranger in their home. Aome was put on the streets at the age of 17.

Aome was homeless for a few months before being picked up by another shady individual that proved to be less manipulative than her parents. She currently lives with said shady individual and has worked a lot of jobs to help pay rent and keep her parents afloat.

That was, until the opportunity of a lifetime presented itself to her and she got a job at Sugar Haven!