
2 years, 23 days ago


Valerie Durand






Vampire Squirrel

Wine Maker and Gangster


Light Crush




She runs a secrete syndicate of vampires and a blood bank farm. An aristocrat with too much money and power in her hands. She hides it all under the identity of an old wine company. Acts like a law abiding citizen with a bit of a gambling addiction. Outside she seems quite loved and seems very involved with the community. Has a thing for donating money to the church… but of course it’s not for genuine reasons. She’s a huge compulsive liar with a desire for power and making people bend beneath her.

To some she’s cold and calculus To others, she’s caring and sweet. Her past life is a complete mystery. Not even her loved ones know about it. Only those who knew her since the beginning know what she was truly like.









  • Smoking
  • Gambling
  • Biting Woman


  • Mens Blood
  • Lydia
  • Her Ex Wife

Likes: pool, night clubs, dice, cities, cute innocent woman, her older brother, painting, poppy flowers, Landscape art, museums, herself

Dislikes: losing, mens blood, finds them unappetizing. Unfortunately that doesn’t stop her from kidnapping them and adding them to her farm for other vampires. In fact men are more likely to be thrown into it then woman she bites.



Valerie, who runs under the alias, Asmodeus, is a vampire lord who runs a vampire mafia (with a minority of other supernatural Mobians who follow her.) She is lawful evil and mostly follows a strict rule but never the less commits crimes. Her power enables her to hide her identity from the world but she is still vulnerable to sunlight. Hey past is something of a mystery though. Though there are rumors that she was once happily married, but her spouse died under mysterious circumstances. Some rumors say that it was Valerie who killed her own spouse. But most say that Valerie dearly loved them, and after losing them, she hasn’t married or been able to fall in love since. Valerie was born a normal Mobian in the Rococo period. She was a very skilled painter, but at the time, females were not taken seriously. She also liked woman which she had to hide as it was very frowned upon. Life was becoming more difficult as her mother pressured her to marry a man. Though she had good grace and a good humor she kept rejecting every one of her suitors. This frustrated her mom as she watched her daughter spend more time trying to sell her paintings through her brother then being a lady (he had to put the paintings under his name). Her brother was overall very supportive of her and would even give most if not all of the money back. But he grew sick and eventually passed away. This left Valerie with little to no fortunes and soon she was on her way to engaging with a man she did not have any feelings for.

Early Adulthood

One night, when Valerie couldn’t take it anymore, she fled to a field filled with poppies that her and her brother used to go and tried painting it. It was there that she met aristocrat, Sylvain Belladonna. Originally Sylvain, who’s a vampire, had no intentions of turning Asmodeus. She simply just crossed paths with her. She recognized Asmodeus art style as the ones her brother used to sell and claim was his works. Realizing that it was really Valeries work and her brother trying to help her, the two became intrigued by the other. It was a beginning of a friendship. At the time her mother supported Valeries friendship with Sylvain, hoping a Ladies company would encourage her to like men like the rest of her female peers . They indeed were very close and as the wedding got closer, so did Asmo’s love for Sylvain. One night Valerie summoned Sylvain to the same field they met and proposed to her. Sylvain revealed she was a vampire and was willing to be her bride if she became a vampire too. Valerie agreed and it was there that Valerie turned and ran away with Sylvain. The two were inseparable and greatly loved each other. Or so it seemed. They visited many places together, painted many things and food was always plentiful, but there were times when Sylvain was faithful to her wife. Over the years Valerie stayed loyal to Sylvain but she found her wife was growing more and more bored of her internal life. Only knowing the existence of a pure blood and having everything as an aristocrat, she grew tired of living and eventually one day, basked in the sun to leave Asmo alone in internal youth. Hurt deeply by this, Valerie vowed to never love again. Giving her wedding ring to a nearby peasant, she inherited her wife’s winery and hide in her Rococo styled home for centuries, watching the days go by. Up till now, Valerie has became an extremely powerful vampire. As Mobian society advanced, it made getting the needed supply for blood much more difficult as well as hiding their identity from hunters.


Through her wealth, influence, multiple identities and power, Asmo has been able to manipulate her way through creating a black market blood farm for her gang. Her new identity for the 21'st century falls under a woman named Victoria Belladona. Though she was hunted down by Lydia (who had no idea of her identity at the time), Lydia resembeled the apperance of her deceased wife and instnatly had a connection with her. In fact, she saw Lydia as a kinder and more selfless version of her wife. Victoria (Valerie) see’s Lydia as someone who doesn’t take life for granted. Someone who struggled with her status and wanted more out of life. Just like her. It was then that she decided to find the ring again. But in her horror, someone else got hold of the ring. And even more frustrating was that Lydia had her eyes on another woman with that ring. She had every intention of getting the ring back and claiming Lydia, wether by pure manipulation and tactics or by force. But of course, none of it bodes well, ending with Lydia's refusal and a ritual to bring back her wife that failed. Falling into a pit of dispair, Victoria (Valerie) struggles with a huge identity crisis and isn't sure where to go from her life from here... until she mets a particular cat Mobian.


  • Vamperic Constitution: Is not only immortal but immune to almost all types of diseases, poisons and sicknesses and can heal wounds withen seconds depending on the wond.
  • Super human strength and speed
  • Fear and Vamperic Seduction. Can Cast a spell through her eyes that can either seduce or cast fear onto her victims. Exclusively uses it for feeding and nothing else
  • Blessings from lady luck: Due to selling her soul to a devil, Through blood rituals, Valerie will have random string of lucks that she can spend either on herself or on others.
  • Not much of an ability but the Hookah she smokes come from magical herbs that Keiko and her other sevants make and find. Some of them are harmless and can lift other peoples moods but others a deadly toxins that can cause people to hallucinate or change their emotions drastically. Others can act as a memory wipe, and if the victim enhales the drug, causes short term memory loss.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.