

shhh I'm making the ref but here's some design notes:

BIGG THING to know!! : Faye_k is a shape shifter!! It can change its appearance by will at anytime, even the smallest things so variations in its design is very common! Here's some common things it likes to do and change

-It's height 

-The pupils are usually elliptical with a white glint in her eye,, but this can change too!! 

-if they are emitting glitchy particles, it is usually green but it can be any color!

-the length of her cloak if she is wearing it! it can be down to her feet, very short, or medium length!! it is random


Other design notes and facts:

-Her hands can be summoned by will! It is optional if she's drawn with them or not. They're usually gloved too but that's optional too

-glitch particles are optional!

-do not draw her with breasts it does not like tisue and fat hanging on its chest wtf (it's okay to be flat ♡)

-Her eyes can glow in the dark!

-she LOVESS to portray herself as other people or media characters for sillays or just wear different clothes!! feel free to draw her in any clothes!! ^_^