
2 years, 1 month ago



Name Ash
Age 26
Gender Male
Pronouns He/They
Species I have no idea
Height 5'2
Sexuality Asexual

❝ Meh.❞

Think of a stereotypical soft, shy emo boy with mental health issues and weeb tendencies, then add ears and a tail, and voila - it's Ash.

Vivamus vitae ligula ligula. Aenean non sem eget dui vehicula laoreet. Vestibulum magna est, consequat in fermentum eu, sodales sit amet sem. In rutrum purus sed ipsum consectetur, sit amet ornare urna rutrum. Vestibulum id dapibus nibh, sit amet pharetra felis. Proin eget porta metus. Vestibulum eu ex libero. Proin eu quam sed mauris faucibus viverra sed non libero. Integer placerat tellus ut ligula cursus. Maecenas rhoncus hendrerit bibendum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Ut pharetra urna non risus ornare ornare at quis.


  • Music
  • Anime/Manga
  • Gaming
  • Monster Energy
  • True Crime


  • Alcohol
  • Loud people
  • Social situations
  • Bigots
  • Himself



Tyrants  ∙  Catfish and The Bottlemen

Red  ∙  Survive Said The Prophet

Afterlife  ∙  Avenged Sevenfold

Therapy  ∙  All Time Low


  • Ash's main goal in life is to become a game developer.
  • His favourite bands are Blossoms and Catfish and The Bottlemen.
  • Ash is my truesona.
  • He has been diagnosed with depression, various forms of anxiety, and agoraphobia, although he is working on this.
  • Ash hates hot weather.




Ash looks up to Abigor - he admires his confidence, and his lack of concern about what others think of him. Abigor is known to be very protective of Ash, and he is trying to help Ash get over his many anxieties. The pair have a very special friendship that Ash cherishes deeply.



Nova is the total opposite of Ash, yet the two are very close friends. They first met at a festival in their teens, where they bonded over their love of music and their inability to move past 2007, and they've been tight ever since. Most likely to be seen attending a gig together, where Nova will be dragging Ash to the very front.



Ash and Novak love nothing more than chilling together in one of their bedrooms, eating pizza, drinking way more energy drinks than they should, and listening to their exclusive colour variant pop punk records. Ash appreciates Novak's calm, kind, and open-minded nature, as he feels like he can be his usual weird, anxious self around Novak.

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