(Sona) (Doodle (Toontown))



1 year, 7 months ago



Employee Information

Honorifics Mr.
Name ██████ █████
Employee ID 64655
Suit Name Wiretapper
Position Field Specialist
Status ██████


i don't know what to put here yet.


this guy is stupiddd no he's just silly. doodle is a generally relaxed individual, which is due in part to the fact he lives in drowsy dreamland. he tends to get stressed easily due to his previous trauma, but living in dreamland helps calm his nerves. he still gets crazy but it's less frequent now. he likes to chill and paint and have a nice time with his friendz. i like to draw him in Situations (even tho he's pretty calm now). he's a sort of allegory for being trans, tho he is literally trans too. he doesn't conform to toony standards entirely, and rather than using slapstick comedy he tends to be outright violent.


doodle (not his birthname) is a mr. hollywood's passion project and son. he was not, however, invented to fill that role. doodle is made from mismatched old parts, modified to record and transmit information. he is designed to blend in among toons comfortably, to take and sell their information. for this reason, his mother titled the project "project cookie". his mother died and he began to slack on work to get to the bottom of it. due to his "meddling," as the company called it, he was fired. (he didn't want to keep working there anyways...) after he left the company, he took on the name doodle, which had previously just been his "toon alias". he now runs a little painting studio out of his home called doodle's doodle doodles. he paints pets. and other things too but the gimmick is pets.