



🍋 diab goobie 🧊
nr: accessories (glasses)
g2: charms in membrane (plastic ice cubes and lemon slices)
t1: membrane tail (lemonade pitcher)

Name: Solaris

Gender and Pronouns: Nonbinary They/Them, also uses He/Him

-Doesn't mind masculine nicknames, pronouns, or labels and happily embraces them! 

Personality: Solaris, despite their working demeanor, is very excitable. They're very outgoing in any situation, they will try their best to keep you in a conversation to learn as much as possible about a goob to make a comfortable environment whenever they're able to. Some who have met them might describe them as a little annoying but very considerate and loving towards those around them. If you're new and around them? You bet that Solaris will walk right up to you and start a smooth flowing conversation and try to brighten a gloomy day just a little.

-Adding work demeanor here WIP

Lemonade Stand:

Solaris's lemonade stand is on the larger side, sitting under the shade of a large tree, a cooler full of ice and lemons beside them so whenever they ran out they could make it fresh infront of whoever wanted some.

The stand was made out of wood that was painted white with different colorful little lemon designs painted ontop. A sign propped up against the front of the stand with fancy, but legible, sky blue lettering saying "Fresh Lemonade, 5 cents" with a goofy doodle of them pouring the lemonade into a cup.

The cups where ones that Solaris made so they could be kept and reused when the lemonade was purchased, and they where rather large cups, which when questioned why they where selling delicious homemade lemonade in big handmade cups the only thing they ever said in response was;

"I want everyone to be able to afford it, even little goos who managed to find spare change on the ground or laying around their home and just want something refreshing on a hot day. Cheap lemonade and the smiles that show after drinking something I made has more worth to me than money"

Solaris also has a part of their stand where young goos, or anygoo really, to learn how to make their own lemonade that is completely free of charge as they just want to share a craft that they're so invested and happy with. They have also happily accepted helping hands from young curious goos and even give them a cut of the earnings they receive and a free cup of lemonade.

They just want to make people smile with a cold yummy drink