


2 years, 1 month ago




Breakfast (Brie)






Monster Cat




October 31st








"The most important meal of the day!"

A monster cat currently seeking a new witch. Breakfast, named as such because she was found behind a Denny's, is about three waffles short of a full stack. She has a big heart but an empty brain, leading her to forgive the cruelist atrocities dealt her way. Her loyalty is easy to buy; just give her food and attention and she's yours. She believes anyone's story and will, in fact, take candy from a stranger and follow them into an unmarked van. Please keep your Breakfast indoors with enough toys to enrich her environment.

Breakfast is the former familiar of Laverna, the Sugar Fairy Witch. Laverna gave Breakfast a home to live in and clothes to wear. However, Laverna is not known for being very... careful with her cats, and her treatment led to a high turnover rate during Breakfast's tenure. Seeing loneliness plaguing her mistress, Breakfast vowed she would never leave her side. This backfired, as Laverna began to rely on Breakfast even more than before, and Breakfast's lives began to slip away as she died for her mistress over and over. Sometime in the midst of her eighth life, Breakfast knows that she confronted Laverna about her mistreatment. She also knows it didn't go well.

Memories between the ending and beginning of lives are a bit murky, and Brie awoke with an apparent infinity symbol on her arm, the understanding that she was fired, and a new fount of energy. After a few narrow escapes from the DWMA, Brie caught wind of Blanco's Bar and decided to make her way to Death City in the hopes of finding a new witch to work with. Until then, she works at a cat cafe to make ends meet.


  • Breakfast is very short, around 5'2". Her hair, dyed pink, is naturally a sandy blonde, and she hides a beanie to keep her roots from showing.
  • Most of her wardrobe consists of concert merch and handmedowns from Laverna.
  • She has heterochromia, with one blue eye and one yellow eye. Her irises are so large they hide her sclera.



Laverna found Breakfast, nicknamed Brie, behind a fast food joint and named her as such, giving her a home to live in and clothes to wear. However, Laverna was not particularly... careful with her cats, and was known for having a high turnover rate. In Brie's tenure, several of her fellow cats either passed or ran away, unable to handle Laverna's strenuous work. However, Brie could not find it in her to do the same, seeing how lonely Laverna was, and vowed to never leave her side.

Spurred on by her pledge of loyalty, Laverna began relying on Breakfast more, confiding to her about personal matters and seeking her comfort when her mood dipped. Worst of all, with Brie as her only remaining cat, Laverna frequently used her as a living shield in battles against weapons and their meisters, and Brie's lives began disappearing rapidly. By the time she lost her seventh life, Brie chose to confront Laverna in hopes that her mistress would empathize with her pain and ease up a bit.

Instead, Laverna struck Brie and took her eighth life herself, leaving Brie in the cold to suffer through the end of her eighth life alone. In a rare moment of self-preservation, Brie escaped to the nearest town, allowing her mistress to assume her dead. There, she found a tattoo artist willing to ink an eight onto her arm to remind her that she was on her last legs.

At least, that was the intent.


Breakfast awoke with a clear understanding of two things: she was fired, and she had a cool new tattoo--a message from her earlier life. After some deliberation, as she could not remember which life she had been on, she concluted this tattoo was an infinity symbol--a message that she now had infinite lives and could not die. Spurred on by this information, Breakfast set out to find a new witch to work for.

During her search, Breakfast caught wind of Death City and Witch Blood, and decided it was good a place as any to look. She traveled across the midwest and has lived in Death City for the last four months, making ends meet by working part-time at a cat cafe.



Breakfast transforms into a munchkin calico with blue/yellow heterochromia. She is very cute.


Upon HP reaching 0 or less, roll a d20 Saving Throw. Useable once per combat instance unless otherwise stated.


Grants 1 ally 1D6 temp HP for one turn while doing the same amount of damage to Breakfast. At the start of her next turn any temp HP the ally has left is transferred back to Breakfast.


Platonic Romantic Hatred

Breakfast's former witch. To hear Breakfast talk about her, she's a sweet, gentle soul that doesn't deserve to be hunted down by the DWMA.

One of Laverna's former cats, now living with a loving family of four. Blackbird is Breakfast's closest friend, and a staunch ally in her times of need. If only he could convince her to leave Laverna altogether...



  • Anime!!
  • Punk music
  • Monster Energy Drinks
  • Pets
  • Her witch


  • Dying
  • Aluminum foil
  • People pulling on her tail
  • Coffee, and the smell of it
  • Baths


  • If she wants your attention, she'll push something off a ledge.
  • Most of her clothing is concert merch from secondhand stores. The rest is handmedowns from her mistress.
  • She dyes her hair herself.
  • She's a surprisingly competent cook. Even weirder, she's excellent at complex math.
  • Do not let Breakfast anywhere near a car. She cannot drive. (She can totally shred on a skateboard, though.)


Lemon Demon

code by icecreampizzeria