


2 years, 1 month ago


Shortened from "creechur" bcs that's what he is. a scrunkly, even.
I never gave this oc an actual name and it's too late now sorry it stays like this

Inconsistent design because I can't make my minddd pensive emoji

(ironically not based on c!Ranboo i swear)

  • enderman?? hybrid?? probably but can we be sure??? did anybody check??
  • not too smart. lizard brain. happy to be more mob than human, operates highly on abstract insticts/habits and doesn't like to spend time on problematic deeper thoughts. often doesn't understand humans' culture/logicĀ 
  • born in the end but not coming back anytime soon.
  • hivemind mentality. highly enjoys company of bees and taking care of nature (values it more than humans)
  • a builder. keeps making random builds around his house and likes to help others with theirs, it calms him down. his buildings usually don't even have any specific purpose, he just feels like making them to enjoy the process and then lets others use them
  • mostly mute - his anatomy makes it really hard for him to make sounds used in common language, he's perfectly fine with writing tho and uses communicators if he needs to