[ FFVII ] Cori



2 years, 18 days ago


Name: Cori

Nickname: Shorty (Reno)


  • Crisis Core: 14
  • Final Fantasy VII:  21
  • Advent Children: 23

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Height: 5'3" / 160 cm

Affiliation: Shinra Electric Power Company

Occupation: Public Security Forces

Weapon: Firearms

Physical Information:

Skin Colour: medium / tan

Eye colour: Brown

Hair colour: Green

Extra details: 

  • she has a vertical cut in her left eyebrow
  •  a mole next to her left eye


  • Serious (most of the time. Although she is much happier when she is in the company of people she trusts or friends)
  •  Sincere
  • She doesn't struggle to take orders from others and she doesn't care about fame or rank up.
  • But when someone gives her an order that she thinks is wrong or goes against her moral principles, she never remains silent and, on the contrary, tries to convince whoever gave her the order to change their mind (this sometimes creates a lot of problems). - It happens often with Reno and he doesn't always manage to remain insensitive to Cori's reasons.
  • Usually she never makes important decisions first, but when there is some danger (like a battle) she completely changes her way and then starts making quick decisions.

Relationship: Reno 


Cori was born in Costa del Sol. 

She grew up only with her father Call. Her mother died when Cori was very young.

His father had previously been a member of the Shinra Public Security Forces but then retired when he was seriously injured in his right leg and could no longer fight. He has since moved to Costa del Sol and started working as a fisherman.

He has always wanted a son, but instead the only child he has had is Cori, a girl and not even tall or strong.

Coll always underestimated Cori, thinking her weak and until the age of 17 she spent her time helping her father with his fishing job.

She did not mind this job; she could be in the sun and outdoors for a long time, but she felt like she was a disappointment to her father, so one day Cori decided to move to Midgar.

Once in town, she joins Shinra to follow in her father's footsteps and to show him that, even if she is a woman, she can become a soldier.

She also thinks that by joining the Public Security Forces she can protect people.

When she takes the admission tests to Shinra she passes them in an excellent way and then she is offered the possibility of becoming a SOLDIER.

Cori refuses the offer, however, because she doesn't want to be infused with Jenova cells or exposed to mako.

It seems to her a dangerous and unnatural practice and so she remains in the Shinra as a normal member of the Public Security Forces.

At one point she is ordered to go along with other members of Public Security on a mission along with a Turk.

She met Reno at this time.