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Thanks! Ur added to the bank!

Here is my bulletin!  ^^

Such a goofy species but I love them!!!

Awesome! I'll add ya to the bank!

I did the bulletin ^^ I love this species it's so cool!

Nice! Adding ya to the bank! And thank you aaaa

Hi i have done a bullitin! (May i have a spot)

Sure! Adding you to the bank rn!

I forgot to ask what do you mean by ‘adding to the bank?’

Oh there's just a google spreadsheet where I keep track of who has what so I don't forget ouo

Ok another question. Do i create the nudle or do you?

Either is fine! Though, if you're waiting for me to draw one up it will take a while as I'm a little backed up rn ;o;

4 Replies

HOLD ON it says taking requests at da bottom, does dat mean i can ask u to make one for me?

lol ye, sure! Just lemme know if you have any theme ideas or palettes you'd like me to work with~

ok! can i get a forest themed nudel?



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Henlo! ouo So far the only solid things are what's mentioned in the ref image and that wingies are most commonly vestigial (too small to get their big ol heads off the ground), other than that it's pretty free range!

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Sure thing! Addin' ya to the bank! ouo

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Their perfect!! Approved! (You don't gotta, but I'd love if you could add them to the lomi world ;o;)

1 Replies
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Sure! Addin' ya to the bank!

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Well, I'll put ya in the bank if ya ever feel up to makin' one!

(Also, keep an eye out, I was considering doing a lil request stream here soon. I'd be down to do a dudel for ya ouo)

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np!! (And heads up, I'm now open for requests~)

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Sure thing! (ANd feel free to join the Lomi world if you'd like)!! Addin' ya to the bank rn!

sure thing! Addin' ya to the bank rn! (also, feel free to join the lomi world if you'd like!!) ouo


can I have a MYO plz there so cute :3

OFC! Addin ya to the bank rn! ouo

Approved! Precious!!

I'd love if ya added them to the world (u don't gotta if ya dont wanna tho) ouo

I have done it sorry for the wite I was sleeping haha

Thankies! And no worries, ur all good! ouo